Guilt (Robowski)

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Context: Basically, according to the SMG4 wiki, it's implied that it's Bob's fault that Desti and Axol died, which I highly doubt. This is just how I think Bob would feel if he were to think the same thing.
TW: Low self esteem and mentions of throwing up

Bob's POV:
"Why am I like this?" I asked myself. I sat in my room alone. Rob went out to run errands and surprisingly, I wasn't in the mood to come with them.

All I could think of was about how much of a selfish piece of crap I had been. I felt so arrogant, worthless, whiny, unaware, and just a waste of existence in general. I tried so hard to be a normal being, but it's difficult and it really shouldn't be. No wonder everyone hated me.

I clenched onto my sleeves as I dug my nub hands into the fabric. I didn't want to remember any of it.

Including what happened to Desti and Axol.

Come to think of's because of me isn't it? I was the one who destroyed Peach's castle and got anime banned. I was the one that unawarely released Zero from its USB. I was the one who caused the two events that led to two individuals's deaths. It's all my fault.

It swarmed in my mind constantly. If it wasn't for me and my struggles to pay attention to reality, none of this would've happened and my friends would be happy and safe. And Rob especially...he's still so caring to me. Why is that? Someday he's gonna die and it'll be my fault.

I felt sick by the thought of it. My stomach ached and my head throbbed. I got up and headed to the bathroom, before I ended up puking into the toilet out of agita. I passed out in exhaustion.

Part 2 coming after

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