Chapter 18

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Arya pov.

I tried to open my eye lids but they were too heavy.

" OMG she moved her fingers." I heard a girly voice said.

" Will u stop yelling." A familiar voice said.



Are they gone



Gradually i open my eyes my head hurts a lot. I think am having a migraine.

I looked around my surroundings and i was shocked to see me in a cozy room . It was big, but not as big as my room. The AC was on there was a cannula on my hand.

I removed the cannula and sat upright on the bed i stood up but i felt so dizzy i fell on the bed.

After 5 minutes and yes I counted i sat upright again .

What am i going to do.

The last thing i remember was being in my room and inhaling something really heavy.

Wait was i kidnapped.

OMG !!!



This is where  my life ends.


Am too young to die.

Suddenly i heard noises.

The next person i saw made me shocked.

" Ur awake." He said.

I didn't reply

" Uhmm hello are u alright." He asked.

" He Cal i think i left my pho.... " A girl said coming in as she stopped mid sentence when she saw me.

She Grinned.

" Hi am Cassandra, am his younger sister and also ur cousin."


What the chicken nuggets.

" Cousin ?." I asked

" Yh . I found out few days ago." She said smiling.

" Cass get out of the room ur telling her too much  information ." Caleb said.

Yh u heard me right Caleb.

" Ur no fun ." She said and left the room

" So we are cousins." I asked again still shocked.

" Yes." He said while scratching the back of his head nervously.

"Ur lieing, i have no cousins or auntie's or uncles." I said.

" Well ask ur mom." He said

" Aunt Emily." He yelled.

" Aunt Emily." He yelled louder.

" Will u shut it." I said.

" Emilyyyyy." He said much more louder.

" why are u yelling my name ." My mom asked coming in the bedroom.

He pointed at me and she froze.

" Ohhhh........ur....awake." she said.

I just looked at her

" Honey." She said coming closer .

" Don't honey me. Explain what's going on right now." I yelled standing up i was about to fall when caleb caught me.

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