CHAPTER 5: Prank

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Before I start I want to thank itzjuna and ammamina for the love and suppor, And everyone who have been supporting me. Love you all❤️❤️

I opened my locker and saw large hairy spiders. i let out a loud scream making everyone in the hallway gather around me.

" OMG! Oh my god... Oh my god i hate spiders." I was panicking. I started removing my sweater and almost removed my shirt but Eva came and dragged me to the bathroom.

"Girl you got to came down, spiders don't bite." Eva said

"I can't there's a fucking spider in my fucking pants" i said.

" That Caleb guy i saw him smirking, it was definitely him, he's such an asshole." Eva said.

Suddenly max came inside the bathroom. Eva and some other girls started screaming and hitting him with there bags.

" Guys stop don't hurt him." Max looked at me and started scratching the back of his head.

" I-I how are you going with the spiders?" He asked.

"Not well, and what are you doing in the girls bathroom."

"I-I j-j-just came to check on you." He said.

" You see am fine so you can go know." I said. He looked sad and turned around he was about to open the bathroom door when the girls started beating him again and he quickly rushed out.


" we pulled the most epic prank on one of the hottest chic's in school." Julian said.

" Yeah she actually looked cute when she screamed, i think i will go ask her do be my date for the school prom." Cody said.

"Dude that's eight month away." Julian said.

" But i can steal ask her to be my girlfriend." Cody said

" No she's mine." Julian said

" I said it first so she's mine."

"No am gonna date h--." Julian said.

" Both of you shut the fuck up."
I said. I

" Yo yo yo, What' s fucking wrong with you." Julian said.

" Nothing and can you two bitches shut the fuck up and stop arguing all the time." I said.

"Hey i know you were the one that pull the prank on Arya." a guy with grey eyes said.

" Who the fuck are you." I said

"Am max, and that doesn't matter ." max said.

" oh your the superhero that took Arya away from class, yeah i remember you." I said.

" Don't fucking go near Arya again or i will break you fucking nose." Max said.

" I wanna see you try that." I said

" o-ok when?." He said.

" your asking me when, right here right now." I said.

Suddenly he punched me but i dodge and i gave him an upper cut, which made his mouth bleed. He stood up trying to give me another punch bit once again i dodge and punch his stomach.

People gathered around us and started shouting fight fight fight.

" STOP IT!." I hears a feminine voice says, And a girl trying to push through the crowed.

" Max are you okay."then she turned to look at me. "What the fuck is wrong with you , huh."Arya says.

" He started it." I mumbled

" Fuck you Caleb, i thought maybe you won't be such a jerk but here you are beating up my second best friend, i thought maybe things will go smoothly between us as FRIENDS, but...i don't even know what to say...your such a jerk." She said.

She picked him up and wrapped her hand around his back and heading towards the school infirmary.

I felt bad and guilty. But she looked really cute when she's angry. Omg what am i saying.

" Dude you got to go apologize, I think maybe she hates you by now." Cody says.

" Shut the fuck up cody." I said.

Arya POV

"This guy is a total butthead See what he did to my second best friend." I said.

" I hate that Caleb guy i told you not to trust him." Eva said.

" He will be fine he just needs some rest." The nurse says.

" Are you okay?" I asked max

" Yeah am fine, tnx." He said

" What were you even doing with him, what made you to fight?" I asked but he just kept quiet.

" Max you almost made me want to punch you, what the fuck is wrong with you? That guy can fucking kill you if you don't mind your business." Eva said.

" Yeah she's saying the truth." I said.

He just looked down and stated tracing the circles on the bed cover.

" Max promise me one thing, that you won't fight again." I said.

" I promise." He said.

"So, am going to get you some snacks and Eva you can help me watch him." I said

" No i wanna come." She said.

" What if he chokes to death and no one is there to save him." I said.

"Oh...o-okay." Eva said.

I went to the vending machine and got three bag of lays and two soda,i like coke but they don't. I was about to leave suddenly someone said.

" hi."

" oh..hi,do i know." I said.

" am viola."

"Hi viola." I said

" Can i ask you a quick question."
Viola said.

" Yes of course." I said.

"Are you and Caleb a thing."
Viola asked.

" No." I said

" OK then i will go ask him out." Suddenly i found my self dragging her hair. Omg what's fucking wrong with me.

" Am so sorry." I said. She just ran sobbing. Did i just do that?. I didn't even know when i did that.

I picked the chips from the floor and threw it in the bin and got another one.

I reached the infirmary and opened the door. I saw Eva and Max sitting there awkwardly.

" Hey guys." I said

" h-h-ey." Eva said.

" Hi." Max said.

" Lia can i talk to you for a moment." Eva said dragging me out of the room.

" Eva i thought we had a deal that you can't call me lia when were in school." I said.

" Am sorry but i have to tell you something." Eva said.

" Ok am hearing."

" I think i like max." Saying that i burst out laughing laughing.

"" I said laughing

" shut up before he here's you." She said.

" Am not joking." Eva said. I still burst out laughing

I never thought a person like Eva will be interested in love.

" Do you think he likes me ." she said.

" We got one way to figure out, i will start sone deep conversation with him and i will ask him who he likes then i will come tell you." I said

" your the best Bestie ever." Eva said.

" Anything for you." I said.


Oooohh So Eva likes max. Arya you have to help your best friend.

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