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        After our plane landed dad took us to a  new villa.

" Ummm.... Dad what's wrong with our old old villa we only have been there twice."  I said.

"Oh honey we sold it and bought this one." Mom said.

" But dad never sells his Houses or villa." Adrien said.

" yeah." I said, so did Damien.

"Who wants ice cream and sushi." Dad said distracting us,  huh he always finds a way to distract us doesn't he. So, i just let the matter go.

Before we went for lunch, i took a cold bath and we went to eat lunch.

Hawaii was extremely hot because of climate change, you know the blah blah blah that is going on these days about icebergs melting. Whatever.

We got sushi and  then dad took us to get some  ice cream. After that, At night i came to garb some water when i heard mom and dad talking about something in the family lounge. I stayed behind the door and heard them saying something about a girl and were they kept her. I couldn't hear everything because they were whispering and so i just gab my water and  went back to sleep.

After months of stays in Hawaii .i got tired and the new barbie film came out, and i got invited to the red carpet movie premier in L.A. 

When i told mom and dad they were against it  i had to take two days till the finally agreed but under one condition i take all my body guards the were four of them, and am not going there with four giants looking like a girl that got escorted from prison. .So i told mom that am only going with hunter and she agreed. So i went shopping and bought a  short thigh length pink dress with a  small slit on the thigh and a knee high pink boots.

Then i went to the saloon and dye my hair blonde.

Dad said that he wasn't going so did mom and the twins. So i was giving to fly Alone besides from hunter.  I've never flew alone in my life i always flew with muy mom or dad or both of them. It was a big deal.

So as i reached the airport we sad  our good byes and i went on the plane. Mom told me to face time her five times a day. As we reached L.A we booked a hotel as i opened the  hotel door i was Happy because i was really exhausted.

I took a shower and went to bed. Because tomorrow was the big day. I didn't even have time for dinner because i was so exhausted.

The next day i took my bath and wore my outfit, and did a light make up. I styled my hair in a high pony tail.

They sent a car to come pick us up., as I reached the theater saw lots of celebrities. i saw  the barbie house and went in, and i hate how the slides don't slide. I went to get food and after food i went to get popcorn. I also did some tiktok.

The theater was packed they was a lot of people and when i mean a lot of people i mean a lot. As they Called Margot Robbie i saw her she looked very beautiful. She wore this black dress. I saw Billie Eilish and Ryan Gosling they were in the line were the actors stood. The stood in front of the large flat screen TV. I After the movie i was so excited to meet actors and famous celebrities.

I also saw jordan matter and Payton Delu.

Some random dude came and asked whether i will be staying for the after party and i said no.

Mom said that i should not stay for any other thing that will happen after the movie,So i went back to the hotel.

I was thinking of going back  tomorrow, but am going to postpone it to next tomorrow. Am going to use a whole day to go Amusement parks restaurant and where ever my legs takes me.

The next day i woke up with a flu and I was devastated.

So i told hunter to buy me some drugs .

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