CHAPTER NINE: Secrets Unveiled.

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Author's pov

Arya woke up to the warm rays of sunlight streaming through her bedroom window. It was a beautiful day, and she had a strange feeling that something extraordinary was about to happen. Little did she know, her world was about to be turned upside down.

As Arya made her way to the kitchen, a sudden thought crossed her mind. She remembered her parents mentioning a named Ayla, but they had never really talked about her. Curiosity gnawed at Aria's heart, and she couldn't resist the urge to investigate. She decided to search for any clues that might reveal the truth about the mysterious girl.

With determination in her eyes, Arya rummaged through old photo albums, letters, and documents tucked away in a dusty corner of the attic. As she pieced together fragments of her family's history, a sense of unease settled in her chest. The girls absence in all the photos and the lack of any recent information about her raised more questions than answers.

Unable to contain her curiosity any longer, Arya confronted her parents that evening. The air in the room grew heavy with anticipation as she asked them about her sthe girl, Ayla. Their expressions shifted, revealing a mixture of sadness and guilt. Aryas heart raced, fearing the worst.

Her parents took a deep breath and began to share the truth. Ayla had been in a coma for several years, a result of a tragic accident that had occurred when Arya was just a baby. They had chosen to shield Arya from the painful reality, hoping to protect her innocence and spare her from the heartache.

Arya's mind spun with a whirlwind of emotions - shock, sadness, and a strange sense of connection to the sister she had never known. She realized the weight of the secret her parents had carried for so long and the sacrifices they had made to protect her.

Determined to understand her sister's story, Arya embarked on a journey of discovery. She dove into researching about comas, medical advancements, and the power of hope. Along the way, she connected with others who had experienced similar situations, finding solace in their shared stories of resilience and love.

As Arya delved deeper into her sister's past, she discovered a strength within herself that she never knew existed. With each passing day, she grew more determined to wake Ayla from her coma and bring her back to their family. Arya researched alternative therapies, sought out specialists, and even explored the possibility of using technology to communicate with her sister's dormant mind.

As she delved into the depths of her sister's medical condition, Arya discovered a breakthrough treatment that showed promising results for coma patients. Filled with renewed hope, she approached her parents with the idea, eager to explore every avenue that could potentially bring Ayla back to them.

Together, they embarked on a journey filled with uncertainty, but also with an unwavering belief in the power of love and the strength of family. Arya's determination and unwavering spirit became an inspiration to all who crossed her path.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Arya's bond with her sister grew stronger, even though they had never met. She would sit by Ayla's bedside, sharing stories, dreams, and hopes, believing that her words would somehow reach her sister's slumbering mind.


Didn't expect that to happed😏.

Sorry for the very short chapter, i hope y'all enjoyed this chapter.

So lot of you maybe confused right no abt who is ayla,.well she's Arya identical twin, and if you checked in the characters in the intro of the story you will see the name 'AYLA'.

Love you all ❤️❤️
I'm out Peace ✌️.

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