Start from the beginning

Just then there was a noise at the window, I flinch at the noise. I really hate loud noises, I slowly look at the window scared of what could be out there at this time at night. It happened again and I jump up and back into the corner of the room.

Just then the window some how opens and a small owl hops in. I look at the small owl confused, how did an owl open a window. The owl saw me and slowly walked up to me and lifts it leg, I see a note attached to the leg.

I look at the note confused, why did an owl want me to take a note of it's leg. I sigh and take it anyway. The owl puts their leg down and just sits there watching as I slowly open it, confused I mutter the words on the paper.


Dear Miss H Granger,

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Dear Miss H Granger,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We are aware that you come from a muggle family and I will come and vist you later on this day to explain this to you.

Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall,
Deputy Headmistress

I look at the paper in shock, "B-But if it says t-term begins on the 1 S-September, doesn't that mean it's a-already gonna start since my birthday is on the 'S-September 19'" I stutter as I wonder how this was gonna work.

Was this McGonagall gonna get me earlier but doesn't that mean I'll be 12? I don't know. I sigh as I lay back down on my mattress, what I didn't notice was the owl look around my room with a confused and angry look. 

Guess I've got to wait until this woman comes, I sigh and decided to get some more sleep for the hard day later on. I had only been to sleep 20 mins since I couldn't sleep again when I heard the basment door open and shouting being heard.

"You mistake! It's time to make breakfast for me and my love!" My so called 'father' yells from the top of the stairs. I sigh sadly and quickly but slowly get up to not hurt myself, "C-Coming, S-Sir!" I yell back as the footsteps leave with a grunt. 

I limp towards the stairs and go up them unknowing of the owl watching in horror and quickly going out the window. I open the door that leads to the basement that he slammed shut. I then gentle shut the door and make my way to the kitchen.

Where 'mother' and 'father' were waiting. I stand in front of them and bow, worried that they'll give me another beating for being late. "W-What can I-I get f-for you t-two, M-Ma'am and S-Sir?" I ask as I shake in fear my legs struggling to hold me up, my hands shaking as I bow. 

The glares I could feel against my head, "Pancakes, Mistake." My 'mother' tells me as 'father' nods as well. "You heard her." He warns as I shakily nod. "Y-Yes, s-sir!" I yell. He nods and looks away to talk to his love, as I begin to make the pancakes.