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· · ─────── · NO ONE'S POV · ─────── ·

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· · ─────── · NO ONE'S POV · ─────── ·

The next day, the second year students are in the Herbology greenhouses as Professor Sprout enters. "Morning, everyone." She says as she taps the stand to get everyone's attention, "Good morning, everyone." 

The Students respond with a, "Good morning, Professor Sprout." Professor Sprout nods, "Welcome to Greenhouse Three, second years. Now, gather around, everyone. Today, we're going to repot Mandrakes."

"Who here can tell me the properties of the Mandrake root?" Hermione shyly raises her hand, Professor Sprout smiles at her. "Yes, Miss Granger." She says as Hermione whines at the name, she still need to tell the school that it's been changed. 

"Mandrake, or Mandragora, is used to return those who have been petrified to their original state. "It's also quite dangerous. The Mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it." Professor Sprout grins.

"Excellent, ten points to every one of your house!" She says as she claps her hands, "Now, as our Mandrakes are still only seedlings, their cries won't kill you yet." She states, "But they could knock you out for several hours."

"Which is why I've given each of you a pair of earmuffs for auditory protection, so if you could please put them on right away." the students start putting them on, as Harriet helps Hermione then puts her own on. 

"Quickly, flaps tight down." They all have their earmuffs on, "Now, watch me closely. You grasp your Mandrake firmly, you pull it sharply up out of the pot." She pulls up a plant, revealing a root that resembles a monstrous screaming baby. 

The students look alarmed. "Got it? And now you dunk it down into the other pot and pour a little sprinkling of soil to keep him warm." Neville falls to the floor, "Longbottom's been neglecting his earmuffs." 

She mutters, Seamus shakes his head, "No, ma'am, he's just fainted." Professor Sprout nods, "Yes, well... just leave him there. Right, on we go. Plenty of pots to go around. Grasp your Mandrake and pull it up." The students all do so. 

Ron plays with his Mandrake, causing it to bite his finger. Later that day, Nearly Headless Nick is floating down a Hogwarts corridor. "There's Nearly Headless Nick." A Student says, as Nick floats past Percy, who is walking next to a girl. 

"Hello, Percy, Miss Clearwater." He doffs his head like a hat, Percy smiles, "Hello, Sir Nicholas." Nearly Headless Nick turns into the Great Hall. At the Gryffindor table, Ron is trying to tape his broken wand back together.