"How long was I out for?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Long enough to have a KO called on you." I felt his body tense and I looked around the room that was slowly emptying.

"Cazzo." He muttered, before I let go of him so he could change.

"Giovanni is dead." I said, staring at myself in the mirror. The cold gaze I held. I looked like a monster, I was- I am a monster. The tattoos ran down my arms and body. I patted my pockets, making sure my gun was still tucked in my waistband.

"We have to go." I dug in my pocket, searching for my keys.

"Where the fuck are my keys?" I grumbled, looking around the room to see where I could've left them.

"Mr. Rosso! The car- has been removed, but there is another problem-" I walked past her, Leo quickly following behind me.

I swung open the door, guards pouring out. People stared at me as I walked by them, walking towards my bike. The same pool of feathery brown hair, same black dress, same heels. She swung her leg over my bike and I cringed. Nobody was allowed to touch that bike. I wouldn't let anyone get near it, and here she is, sitting on it. My guards quickly ran towards her as she threw on my helmet, kicking up the kickstand, and speeding out of the lot.

"Track it. Now." I grabbed Leo's keys from his hands, and he quickly followed me to his car. I got in the driver's seat, pulling out of his spot as two black cars followed. I gripped the steering wheel so hard my knuckles turned white. I sped fast, but a green Audi overtook me, and sped off catching up with my bike

"You need a better fucking car." I growled, shifting all the way to fifth gear.

"This car isn't meant for speeding and racing!" Leo held onto his seatbelt that he had tucked around him.

"Capo, we have a problem." Leo bit out, causing me to look at him curiously.

"The trackers have been disabled." He said, causing me to grip the steering wheel even harder.

"My keys?"


"My bike?"




We pulled into the driveway of one of our many warehouses and I got out of the car quickly. I swung the door open, walking towards the tech room.

"What the fuck do I pay you people for!?" I yelled as I walked into the room.

"Capo- we tried everything- the server we are fighting against is too strong."

"Figure it the fuck out!" I yelled, my hands itching to reach for my gun and shoot each and every single one of these idiots.

"You have twenty-four hours, then I start shooting." I turned my back and walked out of the room. I sat down in my office and looked at the computer in front of me.

"We have a file on that girl, Capo." He dropped the file on my desk in front of me and turned his back.

"Matteo." I said, and he turned back around.

"Figure out what the fuck is happening in that tech room." I punched the bridge of my nose and he nodded quickly before leaving.

I poured myself a glass of whiskey before looking down at the file in front of me. I took a seat in my office chair and took a long sip, letting the liquor burn my throat as it went down. I flipped open the folder, looking down at the picture of the brunette girl.

"Jessica Fields." The name sounded sour on my tongue. In this world anything could be fake, and I just happen to have a feeling that this is.

Jessica Fields
Parents; deceased
Age 21
Arrested for; Street Racing, Grand Theft Auto, Stealing.
Lives on her own.
Private assistant at-

I stood up from my chair quickly causing it to fly back.

"Matteo!" I yelled, throwing the papers down onto my desk and drinking the rest of my drink in one sip. I wiped the sides of my mouth as I stared down at the picture in front of me.

"Yes Capo?" He said, looking at me with a questioning gaze.

"Bring her to me." I said, staring down at the paper.

"But sir-"

"Don't question my authority, Matteo." I lifted my head, and he nodded.

"Yes Boss." He walked out of the room and I looked down at the paper once more.

Private assistant at Ace Corporations.

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