The Carmine Issue

Start from the beginning

Carmilla nods solemnly, her eyes reflecting the weight of the situation.

Carmilla: (gravely) It's a possibility we can't ignore, especially given the enemies I've made and the secrets Odette holds. She's a valuable target, both for her intellect and her connections. But I believe that is only the tip of the iceberg; I fear the greatest threat to Odette... is herself.

Emily's heart sinks at Carmilla's words. She knows that Odette's mental health has been fragile, especially after discovering the truth about the consequences of her actions, along with what happened with Valentino.

Emily: (concerned) You mean... you think Odette might try to harm herself again?

Carmilla: (sadly) Odette has been through so much, and the guilt she carries is immense. She's still struggling to come to terms with everything that's happened. Although you becoming her... girlfriend has hopefully put Odette's possible other plans to kill herself on hold.

Emily: (realizing) Wait, are you against me and Odette's relationship as lovers?

Carmilla: (calmly) No, Emily, I'm not against your relationship with Odette. In fact, I'm relieved to see that you care for her deeply. My concern lies with Odette's well-being and safety. While your presence and support may provide her with comfort and stability for a time, her inner turmoil won't simply disappear overnight, especially with all the blood on her hands.

Emily: (thoughtfully) So, what do you suggest we do?

Carmilla takes a deep breath before continuing.

Carmilla: (calmly) I want to put Odette on suicide watch.

Emily: (hesitantly) Suicide watch... That's a drastic measure, Carmilla. Do you think Odette would be okay with it?

Carmilla: (resolutely) It's not about what Odette wants, Emily. It's about keeping her safe. She may resist at first, but deep down, she knows she needs help. And as her mother, it's my responsibility to ensure her well-being, even if it means making difficult decisions. Besides, it will only be one person watching over her.

Emily: (curious) Who?

Carmilla: (calmly) You, Emily.

Emily: (surprised) You would trust me with Odette's life, after... you know, I had a little shouting match with you yesterday?

Carmilla: (calmly) That's exactly why I want to do it. You care about Odette so much that you had the guts to stand up to me, which only a few have accomplished. Besides, as a fallen seraphim angel, you have experience watching over people, after all.

Emily: (hesitantly) Carmilla, I appreciate your confidence in me, but I'm not sure if I'm the right person for this. I mean, what if I'm not able to stop Odette if she tries to harm herself again?

Carmilla: (assuringly) Emily, you may doubt yourself, but I've seen the way you care for Odette. Your love for her is genuine, and that's what matters most. You don't have to do this alone, either. I'll provide you with the resources and support you need to keep Odette safe. Do we have an accord?

Emily hesitates for a moment, weighing the gravity of Carmilla's request against her own doubts and fears. She knows that Odette's safety is paramount, and she can't bear the thought of losing her. With a determined nod, she finally speaks.

Emily: (resolutely) Alright, Carmilla. I'll do it. I'll watch over Odette

and do everything in my power to keep her safe.

Carmilla: (gratefully) Thank you, Emily. I trust you to keep Odette safe.

As the fallen angel and overlord talk, Lilith watches from the shadows before heading to Alastor's room, the radio demon himself having his normal meal of a dead deer.

Alastor: (nervously) You seem frustrated, my queen.

Lilith: (angrily) I am. Emily has thrown everything into chaos. Odette is a genius. It won't take long for those two do a simple test for fun and unknowingly find out the truth, even if they don't. Knowing how sweet and revolting their relationship is, those two will without a boubt get married in a few years' time like Charlie and Vaggie, it will be-

Suddenly, Lilith is interrupted by a screeching bat-like sound coming from the shadows.

Lilith: (confused) What was that?

Alastor gets out of his chair, sensing the presence of someone... powerful.

Alastor: (calmly) Whoever you are, show yourself, or you will live to regret it.

Suddenly, the figure emerges from the shadows revealing himself as the new overlord in town.

Figure: (calmly) I apologize for my sudden intrusion, but I had no other way of meeting you without suspicion.

Lilith: (annoyed) And just who are you?

Figure: (determined) A friend, who thinks the same way you do. We share the same goals. Allow me to introduce myself, Your Highness...

My name is Vrak, the last remaining Warstar angel, and Carmilla Carmine's worst nightmare.

My name is Vrak, the last remaining Warstar angel, and Carmilla Carmine's worst nightmare

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