Chapter 21, Epilogue Fallout

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Warning:  gunfire,blood, character death.

Chase's POV
I close my eyes in relief, I enjoyed  the food that was served on the flight. I have to say that the further we got from Dallas. I look over at Rylan,

“I wonder if Carson knows i'm away from the captors?” Rylan glances up from his laptop, he smile seems to be on the sly side.

“In what Captain Walker  told me, they're going to raid the cabin soon. He was heading towards the location as I was driving us towards the jet. Don't worry you'll hear about it soon enough.” I exhale a breath of relief, sitting back to enjoy  the rest of the flight.

“It's good to know. i'm just excited to see Drake and Catlin and my parents. But I appreciate you and Grant  support of the family.”

Rylan nods, resuming his work on the laptop. I went through my  phone to keep myself busy. Rylan had helped me to plug into the internet. So I sent a text to Hailey.

Chase: Hey sis!

Hailey: Hey Bro, where are you?

Chase: i'm on a jet.

Hailey: Heading where to? Father said you were kidnapped.

Chase: Yeah I got away. i'm heading home in Miami. There's something you need to know….

Hailey: what are you saying?

Chase: I believe that Carson or someone close to him was behind it.

Hailey:  What makes you believe that?

Chase: They were trying to make me think i'm Chance and that Caleb and Dakota were evil. The way Carson would talk.

Hailey: I understand, He's becoming more becoming controlling lately.

Chase: what has he done now?

Hailey: I was beaten by him. I got married to Matt. Then he got it annulled. Says I have to  wait a tear to get married. Meanwhile i'm forced to date others, like Hunter Anderson.

Chase: Oh, that moron! Why him?

Hailey: I think father wants us to marry, but I want to marry Matt.

Chase: Let me know how I can help? i'll even talk to Caleb and Dakota.

Hailey: Thanks. i'll let you know.

I closed the text app, we were getting ready to land.  It was a smooth landing, I was never more happier to see Miami. When got into a nice car, heading to the law firm.  There Caleb was waiting for us, I was very happy to see him. I walked up to him, we hug tight. Caleb whispers into my ear,

“Welcome home, son. We need to sit down and talk.”

I nod, we part and go into his office where Grant's waiting. I greeted him as I sit down. Caleb sits down behind  his desk,

“Chase, are you alright?”

I nod, as Robin brings me a soda with coffee for Caleb and Grant. After she closes the door, I speak up.

“i'm better now. Once I realize they were drugging me. I learned how to fake it. I saved a few pills, I drugged them so they were sleeping when I left.” Caleb nods quietly, as I see him take a drink of coffee.

“What legal troubles Carson may face, is on him. That's why Captain Walker questioned you. I heard that he raided the cabin, got the two of them.”  I exhaled a loud breath.

“i'm relieved that part  is over with. Do you think that it can be tied to Carson?” That was my biggest concern,

“Relax, we have your social security card and birth certificate. And Grant, please go get the guard i've hired for Chase. Now this guy will be in your classes, where ever you go.” My eyes are widen, as Grant brought a young man who looks like a teenager. I gasp,

“How old is he? He looks like one of my classmates. Interesting.” I chime in, standing up to shake his hand.

“Hello, i'm Chase, Caleb’s son.” He smiles as he shakes,

“Hello, i'm Marty James. i'll be you were friendly bodyguard.” We all start laughing,

“My lands he has a sense of humor. I like him. Chase, what do you think?” I turn to Chase, who smiles.

“I like him,  I believe he'll fit in at school when it starts.” Marty laughs, salutes Chase,

“i'm thrilled by your approval, Chase. i'm only 20. But I graduated at 16, joined the army right after.” We approve of him, so the four of us sit down to map out a plan of protection for Chase.


Captain Walker's POV.

I received the warrant to check the cabin. We set out a quiet scale to get to them before they're aware of us. I see movement finally in the cabin. it's nearly 10 Am. That medicine must be strong. One of them, comes outside. My partner Jordan grabs him, putting his hand over his mouth whispering.

“You're under arrest for kidnapping. Come peacefully.”

He starts dragging the man away, unaware that he pulled a gun, Jordan and the man fight over the gun. The gun goes off, the two men part I wasn't sure who was shot. Then it was not Jordan, thank goodness.  The man fell to the ground, I run up to them. I quickly look at jordan. Seeing that he was alright. I knelt down to the msn. He was breathing heavy,

“What's your name?” He looks at me with a hard expression,

“Geo Johnson. I didn't do anything wrong?” I chuckle at him,

“You helped kidnapped a teenager.”

The msn tried to laugh, but choked on some blood, that he spit out. Before he could respond his partner runs out. Immediately was surrounded by our men. After he was handcuffed and read his rights, he was taken to the station. I look down at the man who was shot,

“We just were taking him to his father. From the people who…. Took … him.” Geo said as he spat out blood, being barely awake. Jordan was putting pressure on his wound. I could hear the sirens getting closer,

“Hold on Geo, the ambulance is coming.”

I exclaim to him, I didn't ask anymore questions, I could see that he was getting weaker from the chest wound.  I instructed Jordan to go with him to the hospital. I went over to enter to see what was going on. Det. Stern took me to the basement where Chase was held. I saw evidence, overseeing that everything was gathered appropriately. So I can question the other suspect more thoroughly.****

Silas's POV

I was taken into the station, I asked to make my free phone call. I called Jax to help getting a attorney. Jax answered quickly.

“Silas, what’s up?” Jax coldly asks,

“I was arrested and Geo was shot. I don't know how he is. I need an attorney. Can you please help?” I ask calmly and direct,

“Will do. Say nothing until the attorney arrives. We'll find out how Geo is doing? Where is Chance?” Jax asks sternly, I swallow a lump in my throat.

“He was making good progress he some how he drugged us, got away.” I know things were getting messy. Jax clears his throat,

“Someone will be there soon.” We hang up, i'm lead into a interrogation room, where I would be questioned.

“Alright Silas, we need to ask questions.” I smirk at him,

“What is so funny?” Captain Walker implores with impatience,

“I'm not speaking until my attorney gets here. Do you know how Geo is doing?” Captain Walker clears his voice,

“He's in seriously injured and critical. He's in surgery and we're not sure if he'll make it.” I lower my head,

“Why was he shot?” I ask in interest,

“He pulled a gun on my partner, they fought over the gun. We're not sure who pulled the trigger.” I nod, as Captain Walker gets up.
“i'll be talking with you, when your attorney arrives.” After that he leaves, i'm taken to a private cell.

Caron's POV

I just finished with a meeting with my partners, when Bella comes to me letting me know that Jax was in my office. With a very urgent matter to discuss.  I rush to my office, instructing Bella  to hold my calls. I enter my office, Jax stands up looking stressed.

“Carson, i'm glad you're here. We have a royal emergency.” I sit down, motioning for him to continue.

“Please continue, Jax.” He sits down, takes a breath as he tries to continue.

“Silas has been arrested, Geo has been shot, may not make it. Chance drugged them and got away. Silas needs an attorney.”

I couldn't believe my ears, the plan had been flawless. I have to say that kid was very smart.He will be an excellent attorney. I take a deep breath, before responding.

“I'll represent him. i'll be able to control the narrative. Does anyone know where Chance is?”

Jax shakes his head, before either of us speak my phone rings. I see that it's Caleb, so I answer.

“Hello Caleb, what's up?” I ask faking ignorance,

“Thought i'd give you an update on finding Chase.” I frown, so what does he know?

“What news do you have for me?” I hear Caleb clear his throat,

“He's gotten away from his captors, is now home with me.” I wanted to throw my phone, but I couldn't, it would not solve anything.

“That's wonderful to hear…” Before I could finish, Caleb cut me off.

“If there's evidence tying you to this, I hope the law makes you pay.” Before I could respond, Caleb hangs up. I look at Jax,

“Carson, what happened? You're looking very pale.” I look down, trying to not let tears fall.

“Chance got away and is back  in Miami. I've lost and other than trying to control the legal narrative,  to keep us out of the  legal system.” I stand up looking at Jax,

“The only thing I can suggest is for Silas to take the fall. But he will have employment after he serves, does he have any priors?”  Jax has shaken his head,

“No he doesn't. Good at staying out of police radar. “ Jax responds, i nod.

“Very well. i'll go speak to him. There may be a way out of it. I still have Charles and Hailey to finish raising. You and Bella have teenagers to deal with. I need to find a way to repair my own relationships.” We walk out of the office,  I look at Bella,

“Clear my schedule. I need to go to the police station. Take messages and clear my schedule.”

I head out to the police station, when I get there they take me to Silas. He was sitting at a table cuffed to it. I sit across from him,

“Silas , i'm Carson Morgan. i'm here to represent you. Please talk to me.” Silas tells me everything, I listen very close to him. During this time, I receive a text from Jax.

Jax: Am st the hospital, Geo passed away.

Carson:  That's good in a way. We can put the blame on him. That helps with the narrative.

I look at Silas, with a rueful smile.

“I'm sorry Silas. Geo passed away. Here's what we can do. You will say guilty. But it's Geo and you freelance for me. He over hears me worry about Chance, he comes up with a plan, strong armed you into it. Maybe i'll get you a plea deal, like probation. You'll work for me afterwards.” Silas nods at my statement,

“Smart plan. He was very stupid to pull a gun on a cop. I gave up when I saw I was out numbered.” I took notes as he speaks,

“Don't talk to the cops. Let me do the talking. I need to control the narrative. “ Silas nods, as I stand up to leave.

“i'll see you in court. If you need me before then, call me.” 

Silas takes my card, and I leave to find the DA and Captain Walker. They are meeting in his office, I walk in with a air of confidence.

“Hello everyone. Can we sit down and make a clear plea deal. Because my client is pleading guilty. Show me what you have. “

Both of them seem to be very surprise at my request. We sit down, where they show me what they have. By the time we were done, the blame is on Geo, Silas gets two years probation. No fingers are pointed towards me or Jax.

Job well done, Carson!

                                               THE END

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