Chapter 7, Chaos

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Carson's POV

I started hitting pool balls around the pool table, while I was waiting for Jax and Daren. I was feeling lost and very frustrated. I need to talk with them. I can't believe my whole plan has blown up. I didn't see it coming. A bit of time later, Jax and Daren walk into the Ballard Room. As Hailey was about to shut the door, I turn towards her.

“Hailey, please make us some snacks please. Have Amber help you.” Hailey nods, closing the door behind her. I glance over at my two closest allies. Daren finally speaks up.

“Carson, what's going on? But the message I got, it sounds like it's urgent.” I scoff, as I set up the balls.

“One of you up for a game?” Jax gives me a sly smile, grabs a pool stick.

“Sure thing. We've learned that you do your best talking during a game.” Jax states with confidence,

“Would you like to break?” I ask in earnest, Jax smiles sheepishly.

“Yes, I want the news to come out. Let's start.”

I let Jax break the balls, able to shoot the two solids in. I wait until he misses, as Hailey and Amber bring in snacks and drinks. I wait until they set everything up, then leave. I clear my throat, as I line up my shot. I take it as I spoke,

“My big plan just blew up.” After making several shots, Daren speaks up.

“What do you mean? Talk to us?” I nod, as I pick up the snacks to nibble on. Jax and Daren fix a plate to eat.

“Everything fell apart when Chance went to the conference.” Daren looks confused,

“What happened? The last time I spoke to Chance, he asked a lot of questions. But I stuck to our original story.” I nod sadly, as I watch Jax take a few shots.

“Caleb subbed for one of the teachers. They got to talking, did a DNA test. Now he knows that Caleb is his true father. He flew out this morning to Miami.” Daren shakes his head,

“Would you like me to speak with him?”

I furrow my brows at his request, but I know his intentions were good. I line up another shot to take, I miss barely. As Jax lines up his shot, I answer Daren's question.

“You can, but he was pretty angry. He knows everything before I lost Dalton. i've never seen him so angry. He went to one of Caleb's partners, Grant. Caleb has guardianship of Chance. i'm going to appeal this in the morning.” Daren nods, pulling out his phone.

“I'll put it on speaker, if you two will be careful and not make a lot of noise.” Jax and I look at each other.

“Go for it, i'm not sure how long he'll talk with you. We'll play, but not say anything.” I state as I take a shot.

Daren's POV

I dial Chance's number, I hear it ringing.

“Hello grandfather.” Chance's tone sounds flat,

“Hello Chance, how are you?” I ask cheerfully, then I hear Chance sigh.

“I'm good, what do you need?” Chance says coldly, I shiver from the coldness.

“I'm at your home, I’ve seen Hailey and Charles. I was wondering where you were.” It was quiet on the line, then a cold voice came over it.

“I'm living in Miami now.” My brows arch at this news, I clear my throat.

“Why in the world are you in Miami?! Don't you realize that your father is worried about you?” I hear an emotionless chuckle over the line, making me feel uneasy.**

A Brother's Betrayal Exposed[Book 4 Deception Series]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu