Chapter 15, Encounter

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 Carson's POV

Jax, Anna and I walk out of the law firm, I wasn't sure what to think. I still wanted to find a way to convince Chance to come home with us. We went to the hotel for lunch, afterwards Anna and I went to the restraunt where Chance was the assistant chief.

Anna and I are seated at a table that was secluded from most of the other customers. I order us some appetizers and drinks, telling the waitress that we desired to speak to Chance Morgan. She looks a little confused,

“We have a Chase Morgan as a assistant Chief.” I look at the waitress feeling a little sheepish,

“i'm sorry, we would like to speak with him.” The waitress smiles with a nod, and walks away. A few moments later, I see Chance walk towards us.

“I got a message that you wanted to speak to me?” Chance states, I see his name tag that says “Chase". That was a knife into my heart,

“It had been a few days since we saw each other. I would like to talk things out between us.” Chance sits down across from us with his drink,

“What do you need Uncle Carson?” Chance asks flatly,

“Chance, I want to ask for you to come back home. Hailey has even got out of control….” He starts laughing,

“First of all, my name  is now Chase. Please address me as such. So you mean Hailey's sudden marriage to Matt?” I couldn't believe my ears, how in the world did he found out.

“How did you found out? Did we treat you well?” Chase looks down,

“I heard from Hailey herself. She's very happy. What's wrong with that? You and Aunt Heather did raise me well, but you hurt me with the lies and denying me access to my real parents. I don't understand your grudge with Caleb, nor do I care. Please leave me out of it.” I clear my throat, as I take a bite of food.

“Forgive me but Heather and I were in grief, we fell in love with you.”  Chase frowns at me, takes a drink.

“I understand that you lost Dalton. That's still no excuse. Get help. That's what Caleb and Dakota did after I was taken. Also to help with the loss of Dalton.” Chase states deadpan, I was getting irritated.

“I don't care if you visit them, but please come home.” Chase looks at his watch, shaking his head.

“Sorry but my break is over. I have to go. Give me time, I need this space to get to know my real parents. i'm choosing not to be angry about this. i'll talk with you soon. Have a safe trip home.” Chase geta up and leaves our table, heading to the kitchen. I look over at Anna,

“Would you like to order a meal, taste our boy's cooking?” Anna who has been quiet during the whole conversation, finally speaks up.

“Let's go ahead and try his cooking.”

I summon the waitress to see what is good to order that Chase cooks, she tells us dishes he specializes in. We order from that list. The waitress refills our drinks, leaves with our orders. I quickly pull out my phone to text Jax. I ler Anna know i'm letting him know we're eating here.

Carson: Jax, conversation with Chance went south. Anna and I are eating here, hoping to see him again.

Jax: Are you desiring to head to plan B?

Carson: Yes. Keep it discreet.

Jax: Will do. Talk soon.

I close out the app out, looking over at Anna I smile.***

Carson's POV

I know I had to ask, because I needed to know.

“How do you feel about what you heard?” Anna slightly frowns at my question.

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