Chapter 2, Home

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Chance's POV

I board the plane, with a mindful of thoughts that Adam notices. After take off, Adam comes to sit next to me. We were seated isolated from Eric and Adam's mother. Adam leans over whispering,

"What's the matter? I've never seen you so quiet and bothered like this before." I swallow the lump in his throat,

"Adam, what if your parents lied to you all of your life... What would you do?" Adam frowns for a few moments, then he says.

"I'm not sure what I would do. But one thing for sure, I would want answers. I would dig until I have the whole story. Your parents are good to you aren't there?" Adam gives me his full attention, I continue on.

"Carson and Heather aren't my real parents. They're my aunt and uncle. I was a kidnap victim as a toddler." Adam's eyes widen ay my words,

"Are you saying that they had you kidnapped? From who? Where?"

Adam asks in disbelief, I shake my head looking around to see if people were far enough away. Julie one of the stewardess ask us what we wanted for lunch. She hands us the food of the choices we were given. After Julie walks away, I answer Adam's question.

"Do you remember the class on family law you attended with me, taught by Caleb Morgan?" Adam furrows his brow,

"What does he have to do with this?" I let out a soft chuckle,

"Caleb Morgan is my biological father. I was not born out of surrogacy like Hailey and Charles." Adam still look a little confused,

"How do you know this? You shouldn't just take someone's word on it." Adam asks out of curiosity, I take a drink of my soda before answering his question.

"The first evening when you and Eric stayed in the room playing games. I ran into Caleb and Rylan his partner. We talked and did a DNA test. Last night I found out who my parents were. I even met my mother Dakota. Last night I learned some more details. My so called father has a grudge against them, I got caught in the middle." Adam eyes widen again,

"Wow! That's hard to swallow.... What are you going to do?" Adam asks, as I take a bite of food. I answer quietly,

"Heather had journals. I'm going to read them. I know where Carson's is keeping all of Heather's things. She was always writing in books. Maybe there's answers there." There was a soft clearing of throat, right behind Adam. It was Adam's mother,

"Chance, I received a call from your father last night. He's going to be away on a business trip for a few days. He asks if we mind if you stay with us." I nod, then I ask.

"That's fine. May I stop by the house to swap clothes? Then I'll stay with you." Though I cringe at the label of father. She smiles,

"We'll stop by our house, then Adam can drive you to your home. Your siblings are staying with their friends." I nod, as she walks away. After we sure she was far away, Adam asks.

"Are you going to grab her journals?" Again I nod,

"Yes, I need more information. I'll ask Caleb more questions as well. I want to know what I'm asking when I talk to Carson." Adam nods, as he takes out his phone putting in his earbuds.

"You're being smart about all of this."

I put my earbuds in, to listen to my music. I dozed off and on until we landed in Dallas Hobby Airport. We ride to Adam's house, where I put my luggage into Adam's car. We head towards the townhouse where I grow up. **

Carson's POV

I have to say I have been nervous about Chance going to the attorney conference. If it was in any other city, I wouldn't even care. I can't afford for him to cross paths with Caleb. I still have some work I need to do with Chance, so he will never desire to see or speak to them. I realize that the jet had already landed. I was in San Antonio, I place a call. The phone answers quickly,

"Hello son, how was your trip?" I ask with interest,

"It was fun, interesting and very informative." I hear Chance say,

"How was it informative? Did you figure out what you want to expertise in?" Chance chuckles over the line,

"I want to focus on the parts of family law. The extra classes helped me decide what I want to do. I went to a variety of classes."

I shake my head, I was hoping he doesn't pick that area. I was hoping cooperate, criminal or constitutional law. My firm was trying break away to be in family law. I wanted him to follow in my footsteps, not Caleb's..

"What's wrong with criminal law? Or any of the other ones? Our firm is changing over criminal law, not family law." It was quiet on the line, then Chance speaks quietly yet firmly.

"This is where my heart is. Please don't fight me on this. This is where I'm going, even if I have to work elsewhere." I couldn't believe my ears the authority in my son's voice.

"I'm away on a business trip. We can speak more of it, when I return home."

I reply simply, not sure of how to take his new tone. Though at times, he was distant, he never stood up to me before. I need to get to the bottom of this.

"Chance, there seems to be a lot to be discuss. We'll do that when I return home. Where are you now?" Chance clears his throat, before he spoke.

"At home swapping out my dirty clothes, for some clean clothes. Then Adam and I will head back to his house." I was getting uneasy feeling in my heart and soul, my stomach does somersaults.

What happened in Miami? Did Caleb get to him?

"Chance, I'll see you when I get home. I love you." I tell him over the line, I hear a soft sigh coming from him.

"Good bye. See you when you return."

Chance says as he hangs up, I stood there rubbing my temples. I sit there at the hotel desk chair in my room, trying to figure out my next move. I need to talk to someone, I pick up the phone placing a call.

"Hello Carson." A male voice answers the call,

"Hello Daren, are you free to talk?" A soft sigh comes over the line, I exhale a breath waiting for him to respond.

"Yes, I can talk. What is going on?" I let out a very shaky breath,

"Chance is back from the conference. I think something happened." Daren clears his voice, then he speaks in a comforting tone.

"Carson, what makes you think something happened, other than being more focused on what he wants to study?" I have to struggle to not let emotions be heard in my voice,

"He told me it was very informative. Then he stood up to me with authorative in his voice. Something in his tone spoke volumes." It was quiet for a few moments, then Daren speaks confidently.

"Are you sure? Or is your brain overthinking? Relax. Would you like me to put feelers out?" I close my eyes to relax my thoughts,

"Please do. Let me know.. I'll talk to you soon." **

Chance's POV

I hang up from speaking with Carson, I head towards my mother's study which I use for homework. I open a deep drawer that holds Heather's person items, In the very bottom, I find several journals. I pick one up, looking at the date. It was a few years before I was born. Then I hear Adam call out,

"Chance, where are you? Are you about ready to leave?" I close the journal, I gather them up.

"Give me a few, I'm gathering up a few things. I'll be down."

I took the journals, putting them into my bag. I hurry down into the living area. There Adam was drinking a bottle of water. I shrug my shoulders, as I hold my bag. We head out towards his house. Adam took me to the guest room, where he shuffles his feet.

"Greg wants me to play games, do you want to join?" I smile at him, I shake my head.

"No, I need to do some reading. Maybe later." Adam furrows his brow,

"What will you be reading? The journals you were talking about?" I nod with a small smile,

"Yes, I brought all of them with me. I have a feeling there will be answers deep inside of them." Adam quietly nods,

"Come down when you're ready. Good luck in finding your answers. Let me know if you need to talk. How did your father take you wanting to be in Family Law?" I had to chuckle at his question,

"He was very disappointed. He desires to have me do criminal law. I desire to have a part of helping people who are hurting. Especially children. After learning I may have been kidnapped, children need a voice." Adam shakes his head, yet he seemed amused.

"Wow, we go to a attorney conference to get a better idea of what area of law we desire to study. We both agree on family law, but you come back with a mystery to solve." I nod being thoughtful for a bit,

"Adam, when you graduate in law, are you going to stay in Dallas? Or be willing to move?" Adam furrows his brow,

"Move? Where were you thinking?" I clear my throat, then I look up at Adam.

"I want to go to the University of Miami. I understand if you don't go there. Then I want to work at Caleb Morgan's firm." Adam nods, then slightly frowns.

"I'll talk to my parents about the university. See you in a bit." Adam smiles, as he leaves the room. I read for awhile. Then I am interrupted by the ringing of my phone,

"Hello?" I was so distracted from my reading, I didn't really look at the screen to who it was.

"Hello Chance. Heard you went to the attorney conference? How did it go?" It was my grandfather,

"Hello grandfather. It went well. I was able to decide on the area of law I desire to do.." Grandfather clears his throat, speaking sternly.

"What area are you thinking of?" He asks in earnest,

"I was strongly drawn to Family Law, especially regarding children. One of the speakers spoke of a toddler getting kidnapped and murdered. It made me feel for children and legal issues with them." I notice that was quiet on the line,

"Grandfather, are you there?" Then I hear him cough,

"Yes, I'm here. Did the speaker say who the child was?" I knew this question was coming. **

Chance's POV

I had to smile to myself, so I decided to be honest. I spoke firmly, but softly.

"The speaker Grant Moore said it was a boy named Chase Morgan, said it was one of his partner's children." Again the line was quiet, I had hit a nerve. Then he spoke strictly,

"Chance, this shouldn't be the only reason you head into this line of law. Your father's firm is heading towards criminal law. Why not do criminal law, it's better money." I shook my head,

"I'm not in it for the money. I want to do good things. I need to go. I'll talk to you later." There was panic in his voice,

"Chance, please wait! I have some questions!" Wow! I have really hit a nerve in him,

"Like what type of questions, grandfather?" I ask flatly, seeing what kind of information I could get from him if any. Again he coughs and clear his throat,

"Chance, you need to forget about that story of the kidnap story." Now I was feeling confused and intrigued,

"Why is that, Grandfather?" I ask curiously,

"That is something you don't need to meddle in." Again I shook my head, So I decide to deepen the conversation.

"Why not? Then tell me why I am not allowed to meet Caleb and Dakota, plus my cousins Catlin, Dixie and Drake? Every time the family goes to see them, I'm not allowed to go. Why?" I hear him sigh,

"There was a huge conflict, it was for the best of everyone that you stay away from them." I shake my head, clicking my tongue.

"I wish I could meet them, make up my own mind." I hear a growl come Grandfather,

"Chance, you need to trust me and your father. We know what's best for you." I let out a hallow laugh,

"Do you two trust me? I'll answer that question for you. No. Good bye grandfather. I love you."

I hang up not desiring to speak more to him anymore. I continue to read for awhile. I was starting to see some truths in Caleb's stories through Heather's journals. It was getting scary, so I place a call. It was answered on the third ring,

"Hello?" A male voice answers,

"Hello, it's Chance... May we talk?" I ask in timid tone,

"Chance? It's Caleb. What's going on?" Caleb's tone was gentle and soothing,

"Carson is away on a trip. I swapped out clothes to stay with a friend. I grabbed my mother's journals. The thing is they actually back up a lot of what you and Dakota told me. And as well as Carson's grudge towards you." There was a soft sigh,

"Chance, do you have any questions? I'm here to be open with you." I clear my voice,

"Do you have a grudge against Carson? They and grandfather did so much against you and Dakota. I'm sorry that you've missed all these years with me." I hear a soft chuckle,

"I'm sorry as well. No I don't have a grudge against Carson. Every time they would come up against us, we only fight back. But this is the longest betrayal. Carson, Daren, Jax are laughing behind our backs. I feel like a fool. How can I help you?" I clear my throat,

"I talk to Daren a short time ago. He's sticking to the same surrogacy story, where Dakota carried me. Then the two of you refused to separate from me." Caleb sighs,

"What do you believe, Chance? That's what important." I rub my eyes, feeling the strain in reading and stress. Then I quietly speak up,

"Sir, I want to go to the University of Miami. I want to work in your firm. I feel used by them. I'm tired of being part of his grudge. I'm learning a lot from these journals. I'm going to get the rest of extra stuff that I need. I need and want to come home." Caleb clears his throat,

"Chance, you need to make it clear this is your choice." I knew this, so I ask this question.

"How do I divorce them to come home?"

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