Chapter 19, Missing

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Warning: Kidnapping and drugging.

   Chase's POV

I was sleeping restless on the jet, the man Silas woke me up right before the jet was going to land. He made sure  that I was buckle in. I just watch out the window as the jet lands and rolls down the runway. After we come to a stop, Silas comes over to me to unbuckle me. He locks eyes with me,

“I strongly  advise you to behave as we walk out of the jet. So we don't have to drug you.”

I slowly nod, as Silas motions for me to stand. He binds my wrists behind me, then unties my feet so I can walk. He puts a long trench coat over my shoulders, we start off  the jet . Silas and Geo leads me to a black SUV, There was a driver named Jon, Silas helps me into the SUV. I quietly look out of the window. I notice the normal landmarks, it didn't take long for me to realize that we were heading towards the outskirts. I look out one last time,

“Where are you taking me?”  I ask quietly, Silas chuckles.

“Some where more private. Don't need anyone to see you. Then we will meet Jax when you're ready to be returned.” I furrow my brow at these words,

“How long will all of this last?”  I ask of Silas, he chuckles  quietly with an evil smirk,

“That depends on how you transform to your right state of mind.”

  I frown at this, but at the moment I didn't know what to say. A short time later, we arrive at quint estate. Silas gets out, comes over to my door opening it up. He takes ahold of my arm, Assisting me out of the SUV. They lead me into the estate, down  into the basement. There was a bed and a bathroom, not a very big room. Silas unties my wrists, with a warning tone he says.

“Now stay put. And I won't have to tie you up.” I slowly nods, as Silas gets ready to walk when he turns back to me.

“i'll bring your dinner in a bit, please behave.”

I just shake my head in disbelief, as Silas leaves the room. I walk around the area, to get familiar with the surroundings. So after awhile I could come up with a few ideas of how to escape. I would bide my time to do it. Then I hear the door unlock and open, I sit in the chair calmly. Enter both Silas and Geo.

“Here's  your food. Also here's your medicine to start your treatment. Take it or Geo here will force you to take it.”

 I nod, so Silas sets the tray of food. I see the pill, I take it to see what they will do. As I was eating, I could see the effects starting to take effect.  Silas and Geo seems blurry to me now. I quickly finish my meal.

“What did you give me? i… feel… funny.”

 My words seem slurry. I sway as I walk towards the bed, I feel real tired. I lay down, Silas walks over to me. Before I black out, Silas smirks as he says.

“Rest for a bit. Then the fun will begin.”  I seem to blackout after that, feeling light in my body.


Caleb's POV

I was in my office, finishing a meeting with Grant and some clients when my phone rings. Grant escorts the clients out of the office, as I answer the phone on the third ring.

“Hello? Who is this?” I answer carefully, seeing that the number was unknown.

“Hello, This is Peter Lake, i'm the manager of the café. Do you know where Chase is? He hasn't shown up for a shift.” I frown, I remember getting the texts from Chase on Friday.

“I know i'm concerned since I haven't heard from him since Friday. Have you tried calling him?” I ask very carefully, I hear Peter sigh.

“Yes, I got no answer. “ I sigh quietly,

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