Chapter 20, Mindful

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Chase's POV

The last few days, seem to be a blur they would show me pictures of my cousins, Uncle and Aunt. Saying that they were my family, that Caleb and Dakota were evil and trying to put a wedge between me and them. If I would disagree, I would get the beating and forced medicine. One day I was able to fake taking the medicine, and I pretended to agree with me.

They started allowing me to eat with them, I had saved enough of the medicine to give them a good dose of it. I told them I would serve the food, Silas chuckles,

“It's really good to see this change in you so quickly. Sure go ahead.” I smiled on the inside, I quickly emptied the capsules into their drinks.

A change? You have no idea!

I bring their drinks, followed by the food. We had a cheerful conversation during dinner. Geo  escorted me down into the basement,

“Get some rest. There's some more sessions to go through tomorrow.”  I see Geo  leave, hear the door shut, but not locked.


I waited awhile after I took a shower, then I head upstairs. I looked around, finding the guys were sound asleep. I quickly located my phone, they had kept it charged. I grab it, along with the keys to the car. I climb into it, starting it up to see  it was nearly empty. . I drove looking for a nearest gas station, ten minutes later I pull into a truck stop. I call Alan,

“Hello Chase, what's up?” Alan cheerfully says,

“Alan, I need you to pick me up. it's a long story, i'll explain it all later.” I quietly explain to him,

“Where are you?” I tell him what truck stop I was at,

“i'm on my way, stay there.” I agreed, we hung up. I got onto the internet to buy a ticket. It was a flight in two days.

Alan's POV

After getting the location of where Chase was, I tell my parents I need to go out to see Chase, I told them he was in town. In my car, I Bluetooth call to Caleb.

“Hello Caleb.” I calmly sat,

“Hello Alan, what can I do for you?” Caleb asks softly on the line,

“I've heard from Chase. i'm on my way to get him.” I hear a sigh on the line,

“Thank you. i'll have Rylen come to your house tomorrow. We'll try to get him home as soon as possible. i'll call him.”

Caleb's POV

  We talk for a few minutes, then I hang up, calling Chase.

“Hello…father?”  Chase's quiet response comes over the line,

“Chase my son, how are you?” I ask gently, then I start hearing sobs come over the line.

“Son, calm down. Help is on the way.” The sobbing quieted down,

“Father, they drugged me,… They tried to change my thinking about you. i'm scared.” Moments  later I could hear knocking on the window of the car,

“Father, I see Alan. I need to go. i'll call you soon.” I quickly chime in,

“Chase, Rylen will pick you up in the morning. Go with him, he will bring you to me.” Chase sighs, then hangs up. I pick up the phone to call Rylen,

“Hello Caleb, what's up? I'm confused why you are calling?”  Rylen asks in earnest,

“Rylen, Chase got away from his captors. His friend Alan is with him.” A gasp came from Rylen,

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