Ch.4 Wake me Up

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Suddenly my eyes opened, I frowned because I don't know where I am. I sat straight and gazed around, the room is colored with pink. I jumped off the bed but screamed in pain afterwards.

"Fucking hurts!" I didn't notice that my right arm is connected to the dextrose, I pulled the needle out of my arm and it started to bleed. I wiped it using my shirt and started to walk.

"Fuck!" I said frowning when I realized that it's my room, I don't know what's gotten to my mom to color my room with pink, she knows that I don't like that color.

"Mom! Mom!" I called her but there's no response.

My eyes widen when I remember what happened to me.

"I woke up like this and there's no one around" I muttered while looking outside of my glass window.

"I know this scene!" I mumbled before running to my door and locked it.

"There might be zombies outside!" I watched the twenty eight days after movie and this is exactly what happened. I jumped on my couch and looked on the other island using the telescope.

There are no people around.

"Guards!" I yelled out loud but again there's no response.

"Fuck I just woke up and now I'm gonna be a zombie!" I said groaning before I started to think.

After a while stood up and changed my clothes, I don't wanna look bad when I fight with zombies or if ever I'd become one.

"I need weapons" I headed to my playroom because I have collections of knife and swords there.

I chose the gold katana and two dagger. I put the daggers inside my boots while I'm holding the katana.

"This is it" I said before running out of my play room.

I gazed around when I'm on the stairway, the whole villa is silent. I scooted lightly to avoid making noise, I was about to open the front door when I heard a loud heavy breathing.

"Fuck" I mumbled nervously. I can hear the footsteps and the breathing was continuous.

I positioned my katana ready to hit when the knob twisted.

Zombies these days are smart! I said mentally. I don't wanna die without fighting and I'm gonna make sure that I'll put a good fight. I'm a gold medalist in taekwondo when I was in grade school.

"Haaaaaaaa!" I screamed when the door suddenly opened, I'm about to hit whoever it is when I recognized him.

"Waaaaaa!" He screamed and fell on the ground trembling. He's one of the guards.

"Alvin" I called his name to calm him down before putting the katana on my back.

"Ma'am is that really you?" He asked me still trembling. I laughed by his reaction because he looks gay.

"Yes it's me. Don't be afraid I just woke up" I said between laughing.

"Why are you so afraid?" I asked him curiously.

"Well the other guards told me that there's a ghost here playing in your room" he said while scratching his head.

"For real? I don't feel anything" I said flatly.

"What's with the katana?" He asked me curiously as well.

"I thought there are no people around and the zombies were everywhere" I said flatly before giving him the daggers and katana.

"Zombies?" He asked confused. I gave him the katana and daggers instead of explaining.

"Take this back to my room" I commanded before walking down to the port.

Oh! My D E A D (GxG, Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now