Ch.2 Fly

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[A/N] If you read my second book which is B.I.N.A.V there's an incident there were Keena saw Luna kissing another girl which led her to Allison's room. And that led Luna as well to tell Salt about Allison's past.

I really do hope you all read my previous books because this story is all connected. The setting of this book is prequel, present and future of all the books that I published. You might not understand some chapters here because of that. Anyways enjoy! Free hugs!



"Welcome home dear!" Mom welcomed me as soon as I arrived home.

"I missed you mom" I said while hugging her tight. I missed this place though I seldom go home before I was put into rehab.

"Where's Thomas?" I asked her frowning.

"Stop calling your father like that. He's still at work" she said before leading me to the dining area.

"I cooked all of your favorite dishes!" She said excitedly.

"Oh thanks mom I missed these foods!" I said not sounding excited. I'm not yet hungry because of the chips that I took from the fat girl at school.

"He can't even skip work to welcome me" I said flatly as I took a piece of the Buffalo wings in front of me.

"He's just busy" she said smiling flatly.

"He's always busy when it comes to me" I argued. She shrugged her shoulders in response.

"Thanks for doing your part on shortening the span of my stay in rehab mom. I owe you a lot" I said smiling.

"Anything for you dear, go eat and you need to rest after" I nodded in response and forced myself to eat. I'm still lucky to have her, no matter what I do or say she's always there for me. I don't know what I would do if she's gone, it's fine with me if Thomas will die first than her.

"Ahhh!" I moaned when I threw myself on my waterbed. There's really no place like home, I'm so full and sleepy so I closed my eyes.

"Keena" I mumbled when I saw her face on my mind.

"You replaced me with Luna McKinley. That ugly scumbag" I said while gritting my teeth. She broke my heart and there's no way that I'll let her be happy. I'm gonna enroll in St. Bernadette first thing in the morning tomorrow.

"But first I need a car" I muttered before standing up and opening my laptop.

"What car suits me?" I asked myself as I open the Google and typed it. First thing that appeared on the list is a Ferrari Enzo. It's very cool and best for drift racing. I went to the website and called the shop.

"Credit card?" I asked the girl on the other line frowning.

"Yes ma'am we accept credit card if you can't be here plus it's hassle free" she has a point but the problem is I don't have any credit card.

"Wait, just give me a sec okay?" I said before putting down the receiver and ran straight to my dad's office. I'm not sure if he left his credit card. He has a vault in his office and nobody knows his pass code. Luckily he's not that clever when it comes to making one. I tried putting his birthday plus mom's and mine.

"Voila!" I rejoiced when it clicked open. My eyes widen in disbelief when I saw three gold bars and a few documents. I removed the papers to check if there's a hidden hole or something. I chuckled when I saw a small drawer at the back of gold bars. I whistled when I saw the credit cards that are in there, one JP Morgan Chase Palladium and one American Express Centurion Card.

Oh! My D E A D (GxG, Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now