Ch.3 No Woman No Cry

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It took us two months to find The Guardian, we've been to everywhere but we can't find her. Just when we're about to give up our surroundings turned plain white.

"Do you know this place?" Heaven asked Cassy curiously.

"Yeah, I think The Guardian knows when to appear whenever she's needed"

"Is this purgatory?" I asked her frowning.

"Maybe yes maybe not. I don't know" she replied flatly. We can't see anything except white.

"It's like I returned to the rehabilitation center" I said while making a face.

Suddenly a door appeared, we're clueless at first but then we decided to enter. Inside we saw a woman wearing an all white outfit but we can't see her face because it's covered with a hood.

"You looked like crystal maiden in DOTA" I muttered chuckling but Cassy elbowed me on my waist to shut me up.

"Speak" The Guardian said in a low voice. Her voice is hot, I wonder if she's pretty.

"We're here to request the spirit of Heaven to return to her body and wake up" Cassy said politely.

"Yeah" I seconded.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed when a book suddenly appeared. Heaven and Heather looked at me sharply.

"What? It's very cool" I whispered.

"Heaven Anderson" we all stood straight when she spoke again.

"Yes ma'am" Heaven replied anxiously.

"You engaged in an accident together with Pepper Anderson"

"Yes that's right!" I said hastily. She ignored me and continued talking. We all flinched when the book automatically closed.

"You're supposed to be in coma for two years and three months" the Guardian said, our eyes widen in disbelief.

"That's too long" I muttered enough for the three of them to hear. That's when Cassy spoke again.

"What can we do in exchange for her to wake up earlier?" The Guardian didn't respond.

"Please, I need to wake up for my family and for Mischa. I don't wanna be like this for two years please" Heaven pleaded before kneeling down.

"There's nothing I can do to help you" the Guardian said dismissing the topic. I felt guilty when I saw Heaven's tears.

"Please, I'm willing to trade my life for my cousin. I don't mind being in coma for life as long as she wakes up" I said kneeling as well. Again the Guardian didn't respond but the book reappeared again after a while. The pages were turned without her touching it.

"Are you sure you're willing to do anything to wake up" it's more of a statement than a question.

"Yes" Heaven replied while nodding.

"I'm going to take some of your memories" she said flatly. We all looked at her frowning.

"All of my memory?"

"I said some" she replied in monotone.

"Okay fine, how much memory will you take?"

Cassy, Heather and I were just silent and observing. The Guardian sat down on the invisible chair and crossed her legs and arms.

"Two years of your memory, the same amount that you should be in coma"

"Okay, sure" two years of memory loss is nothing.

Oh! My D E A D (GxG, Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now