A Familiar Face - 022

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Chapter 22:

April 22nd 2019:

It's finally my birthday, and I'm turning 21.

Christian nudged my shoulder. We were having a party at their house. Everyone was there. Even Mitchel's parents.

"Here." He said and handed me a box, with a really loving smile.

I opened the box, my eyes finding a pair of gorgeous diamond earrings.

"Wear them everyday, El. They've got trackers in them, if anything happens, we'll be the first to find you." I smiled, and hugged him tightly. "Thank you, Kras. Really."

Mitchel came up to us, grabbing the box out of my hands. "Hey!" I said.

He opened the box, "ooohhh, fancy!" he laughed. I smiled. Silly man.

"Come on, I want to introduce you." His hand found it's way around my waist as he dragged me into the party.

We walked up to an older looking couple. "Mum, Dad, this is Elianna, my gorgeous girlfriend. Elianna, this is my mother Biddi, and my father Brian." Mitchel introduced us. I tried to be as friendly and polite as possible.

"Nice to meet you." I smiled brightly. "You too, love! You're really pretty." Biddi said reaching out to hold my hands.

"Thank you."

October 25th 2019:

I sat down at an empty table at Starbucks. I took a sip of my caramel latte. It tasted sad, everything these days. Because of Mitchel, obviously.

I sighed, taking another sip. A pair of hands grabbed my shoulders, and a familiar scent entered my nostrils. A scent I'd never thought I'd smell again.

"You didn't think I'd come find you here, did you?" His voice sent shivers down my spine.

I was terrified to turn my head around, but still, I needed to confirm it was him. Even if all the signs pointed that way.

I turned my head, confirming it.


"You think you could run away from me? Pathetic." He whispered in my ear. I froze. I completely froze.

He grabbed my wrist tightly. "Let's go." He dragged me out of Starbucks.

We reached his car as he opened the door. "No, please.." I tried to get away from him. But, to my expectations, he was way stronger.

I closed my eyes and gave in. I need to be smart, I need to.


He dragged me into a basement and threw me into a mattress.

He crouched down to my level.

"I loved you Elianna, I trusted you." He spat with a disgusted look on his face.

"But now? You're dead to me." He hissed and stood up.

I kept quiet, too afraid to say anything.

October 26th 2019:

It had been a while since I got here. And Allen didn't bring me any food whatsoever.

It didn't hit me until Allen didn't come to check on me for a while. I was held hostage.

That idiot man had takes my phone and everything else I had on me.

I sighed, laying down to rest on the dirty mattress. I might as well make myself comfortable even if I was freaking out, cause I was sure as hell gonna be here for a while.

"Ouch." I whispered. My earring had pinched my ear. "What the hell.." I hissed, sitting up.

My eyes widened once I realised. The tracker. The fucking tracker!! Thank you Christian, thank you so much.

"I love you, brother." I whispered.

Now it was only a matter of time until they would find me.

October 27th 2019:

I woke up to someone stroking my cheek. "Hm.." I mumbled, my eyes slowly opening. When I fully woke up I saw that it was Allen. He was crouching down to my level and was stroking my cheek.

"Get the hell away from me." I snapped, slapping his hand away, then sitting up.

He looked at me with a smirk. "I'm going somewhere today. I'll bring you." He said, with a mischievous tone in his voice.

A chill went up my spine.

"You're dead tonight, Elianna."

He got onto his knees, crawling a bit closer to me. I pressed my body against the wall, refusing to touch him.

He reeked of cigarettes. I used to like when Mitchel smelled like them, but Allen's scent was a whole other thing.

He grabbed both of my wrists with one hand, and with the other he dragged off my coat.

"Allen, please." I whispered. Hi refused to look at me.

"I trusted you for so, so many years, El. And then you just go and leave me?!" He shouted, ripping off my sweater.

Then suddenly, as he was about to take my shirt off, a sound came from upstairs.

"NYPD!!" I stiffened. Finally. Thank god.

"What the fuck El?! What did you do?!" He whispered and slapped me across the face. My fingers ran over my reddened cheek, as there was a bang on the basement door.

The door shot open as a dosen of SWAT men came running down the basement stairs. "Get away from the woman!" One of them shouted.

Allen looked at me furiously, as if his whole body was burning up.

"I'll get you for this El!" He said while being dragged away.

A familiar face came running down to the basement, with a terrified look on his face.


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