Terrible liar. ~ 011

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Chapter 11:

She was a forgiver, her heart was so large, she didn't know how to give up on people, because she always believed the good in those she loved. It was until she was walked on so many times she had no choice to let go of those who burned the holes in her heart.

Walking into the dorms of the place I paid for to get boring classes, didn't feel too great. Mr. Kingston always making sure we studied the shit out of us and never got any free time nor any sleep.

"Hey" I smiled to Awira standing by her locker. "Hey girl !" She hugged me tightly making sure she embraced every inch of my soul. I've been really tired lately, so this would be the first time in over a week that I would be in university.

"You feelin' okay today?"

"Better.." truth was I didn't feel better at all.

"Elianna, please, I know you're not. Sure, I've only known you for a few months, but trust me I know when you're lying. My point is, you're a terrible liar."

"Fine. I feel like shit. I don't Even know what's wrong with me? I just feel stressed and down, you know"

"I get it love. I'm here for you. Let's go to class, hm?" Awira smiled a reassuring smile. All I did was nod lightly. I didn't pay much attention today for how I looked, all I was wearing was a pair of black sweatpants and a grey hoodie and un-brushed hair with smudged mascara. I looked truly depressed. Was I? No, I would have been laying in my bed if I were.

My phone suddenly buzzed, Awira had walked away to class, so I was left alone. I picked it up from my pocket and checked the notification.

'You're dna test is finished' it said. It wouldn't be such a big deal if I missed 10 minutes of class. Fuck it.

I ran off to the bathrooms, sat down on the toilet seat and started checking my family tree.

I'm adopted?? And wait. A. Fucking. Second.

Christian Fucking Anthony is my brother? No, it can't be. It must be another guy. But the age matches too? What the fuck?

I immediately swiped up his number and clicked call.

"Yo." He said quickly "It's me Kras, Elianna"

"Elianna? Why are you calling me?" He said confused.

"Have you done an DNA test?"

"Yes. Why?"

"When did you do it?"


"I need to tell you something."

"Wait so your telling me, that one of the guys that's moving here, is one of the guys who saved you from that abusive dick?" Awira paused as she closed her locker with an dramatic smash.  "And is also your brother?" She looked stunned at me, holding her books tightly.


"That is crazy ma'am!" She squealed. "Why does my life gotta be so boring" she mumbled to herself.

Five days later, I still hadn't hear from Mitchel. Did he actually lie to me? No. Why would he lie about moving here? It was him all along who wanted me to not forget about him.

I mean, nor did I want to forget about him either, but in that situation, what choice did I have?

But... it's been so long since I saw him. He must had lied. Just as I was about to get up from the couch my phone started buzzing. The fuck? Who was calling me at four fucking am?? Also, before you ask, why I was up so late, or was it early? I was just thinking.

I need to have my moments for me to understand how to feel, call me a weirdo. I'm used to it.

"Hello.." I whispered "El, it's Mitty." A raspy voice came from the other end of the line. Oh. Kind of makes sense. "I was up thinking" oh, he too? "And I realised I haven't told you anything the past weeks" he paused for a while.

"Anyways, I've fixed everything!" He whispered a little excited, "We're all moving to New York on Sunday!!" He said, not whispering anymore. It's Tuesday. That's only six days.

"But what about a house? Where will you guys live?

"Fixed." Wow. Holy shit.

"Okay, holy shit that's amazing! But why the fuck are you calling at four in the morning?!" I whisper yelled, not wanting to wake Awira for no reason at all. "I told you, I was up thinking."

"Hm, me too"

A month passed, it was now April. Happy Easter motherfuckers.

I had realised calling wasn't really Mitchel's thing, he was more of a text type of person.

-Miss u

-Miss u too

-My flight is landing in 15 !!

-Yayyyy ! Go straight to mine

-Got it !

About an hour later there was a knock at the door, I knew who it was. With all the adrenaline building up inside I ran to the door and opened it as fast as I could.

And there he was. Braid boy.

WORDS: 887
A/n: HEY !! Sorry I haven't been posting in like SO long, I've been quite busy this past month, anyways I just wanted to say I will post a lot more now in July than I've been doing EVER !! So stay tuned, there's drama upcoming ! Stay iconic ^.^ xx

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