Positive ~ 004

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Chapter 4:

"I'm just going to the bathroom.." I quickly sprinted to the nearest bathroom stall. I opened my bag looking for anything, literally anything I could use or something. But all I found was a pregnancy test. What else was I supposed to do, it was the only thing I had? I used it as I put it back into my bag, sat there for a while, being too scared to look at it. There was really no chance I'd actually be pregnant. I'm a virgin. But I don't know, I was just scared. I decided to take a look at it, slowly pulling it out with closed eyes. Now came the moment of truth.

I stared at it in silence as panic immediately flooded my face. Positive. How? Now I had to get an abortion and everything. This was too much. I got out of the bathroom after cleaning up everything and throwing the test in the trash. I felt numb, abortion meant killing the baby, but I was definitely not ready to be a mother.

I walked out of the women's bathroom section and called Clinton asking where they were, and he said he can come get me. I said I needed to talk to him, alone. 'I'll come immediately and we can talk okay?' Was the last thing he said and he ended the call.

Not even 1 minute later I saw a little Clinton trotting like a toddler towards me. "Hey" he panted, I guess he was tired from probably running. "Hi!" I hugged him and he got suprised by my sudden action. "I like you Clinton" I mumbled into his shirt before letting go. The truth was, I did like him actually, but there wasn't really a spark between us. I saw his eyes had been lit up, probably from the latest sentence that I said. "Uh Clinton I need to talk to you..." I looked down at my shoes and then up again to meet his eyes. He had furrowed eyebrows and his gaze was soft but looked a little bit worried. "O-Of course" he blurted out and I took his hand and started leading him somewhere where there wouldn't be any people.

"So what did you want to talk about? Is something wrong?" I fidgeted with my fingers anxiously as I looked down at my shoes with a disappointed face. "I-I" I usually stuttered when I was really nervous but it was definitely not often. He raised his eyebrows for me to continue speaking. "I'm pregnant!" I said it quickly but raised my voice at 'pregnant'. He stood there just speechless. His gaze was almost gone, but I could tell it was dark. "Say something!" I said with a scared and raised voice. "Oh my god that's amazing!" He said but I just stood there and looked down, "what you don't want the baby?" Clinton lift my chin up for me to look at him, in the eyes. "Clinton, I'm a virgin." His jaw dropped to the floor, almost fell off. "Wait, how did- how?" "I don't know, how is this even possible? I'm not even ready to be a mother Clinton, and carry it for 9 fucking months too?" I shouted breathed heavily "Shit"

We walked to the booth where the others sat. "Where were y'all?" Cas said and smirked "Shut up!" Clinton put up his middle finger. "We were just talking." Clinton held my hand as I stood a little bit behind him. "Okay..." Jordan came into the conversation, she seemed to be a bit down. But why? Grumpy for sure. We sat down and I decided to text Allen, 'Allen, answer when I call please' I typed on my phone and sent it. It took less than a minute til he answered my text and the others went to get drinks "I'll wait here just bring me two shots" I said and they left carelessly. Not knowing what I was going to do. I didn't look at what he texted me I just called him. Allen answered my call immediately and I put my phone up to my ear. "Allen, you gotta explain right now how the fuck I'm fucking pregnant?!" I completely screamed but not to loud so anyone would hear. "Oh baby I will explain if you come home!" He chuckled. I cringed slightly at the word 'baby'. "No Allen I need you to explain here.and.now. On the phone." I said in a serious tone, and a little bit shaky. I wanted to scream at him, punch him and throw things at him. But I couldn't do that could I? No obviously not cause we were on the phone. "Okay fine, I planted in some of my sperms while you were sedated, and it worked" he laughed "yay" he cheered on the other end. My whole stomach dropped as I stared into thin air, lowering my arm with my phone in it. "Hello?" Allen said once again, I didn't answer but just hung up immediately.

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