Phone call ~ 007

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Chapter 7:

Elianna's delicate point of view:

I walked into the hotel building, and when I was inside the doors my phone buzzed. When I had picked it up from my back pocket I saw it was from Mitchel. From Instagram of course, he didn't have my number yet. It just hit me, he had just slid into my dm's. Not that it was like that, but still.

MITTY: Hey what's your number?

Elianna Anthony: Hey it's **********!

MITTY: Thanks! See u tmrw?

Elianna Anthony: Sure why not! Goodnight, and thanks for the hotel.

MITTY: Of course, goodnight <3

Did he just send a heart? He did. Wow. Was this really the Mitchel Cave I knew? Hm.

When I got to my hotel room and I dropped down dead on the bed. Not gonna lie, after a day of walking around in L.A I was exhausted! I loved my new friends, and the guy that was maybe more than a friend now. But I knew, that I couldn't stay here if I wanted to not have trauma. According to my brain, I had to leave. It was just like this with Allen, except I couldn't leave back then. But maybe now, I can get a job and restart my life. Somewhere...

January 18th 2019:

"Awira hurry up! We're going to be late!" I shouted at my best friend "Calm down! I'm pooping.". I was living in New York City now a days. My life was better, great even. But I missed him, I missed Mitchel. Of course I did who am I kidding? Although, I loved my new roommate, oh right, forgot to mention some things about my new life. I was going to university now, for becoming a figure skater. I left Mitchel and the others. But now I have a great life, and work at this cozy little cafe close to my university. Life was peaceful.

Awira came out of the bathroom, "You always have to stress me up you shithead" she grunted sarcastically. "Yeah yeah let's just go!" I begged her. She just smiled and we were fast out the door.

When we got to uni I had to rush to class. Stupid Awira always having to poop in the mornings. When I ran to my class, suddenly, I bumped into someone. All of my books and pencil cases fell to the ground. "Shit I'm so sorry!" A guy standing in front of my figure. I looked up and... holy moly he was majestic. His hair was platinum blonde and his jaw was sharp and beautiful. I swear if he didn't speak in the next seconds I would rather pass out or get way lost in his gaze.

His hazel eyes was staring at mine confidently smiling. "So, who's class are you running to?" He questioned. "Mr. Kingston's class" he paused while helping me sort my things, and just stared at me for a second. "No way, me too!" He smiled. Weird? I've never seen him in my class. "Where are you from?" I asked, I was curious about his accent. "My mother is from Russia and my father is from Canberra, Australia " Wow. "So you're Australian?" "Yeah!" He chuckled slightly. "Me too." We shared a few smiles before walking to class together. Talking, smiling, blushing. He was a sweet guy. I found out his name was Kaspian Trusova and that he was living close to my apartment. "It's my first day here" he said before we walked into the class.

"You're late Miss Anthony and Mr Trusova" Mr. Kingston said. "We're sorry, I dropped my books in the hallway and he helped me, sorry" we sat down on our seats. I was next to Awira and Kaspian was all the way across the classroom. Fuck.

When the class was finished we all went to the cafeteria to get lunch. Kaspian was really nice actually. But though, I noticed he was staring at me A LOT. Making me a bit uncomfortable, cause it's not like I had feelings for him. My phone suddenly started buzzing in my pocket. We we're seated at a table "Excuse me I have to take this" I told Kaspian and Awira.

I walked out in the corridors and put the phone to my ear. "Hello?" The line was silent "Hellooo?" I called out again. "E- Elianna?" His voice was faint and hurt. How did he even get my new number? My heart stopped, my breathing. My mind. "Mitchel?" I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. I hadn't heard from him in months. Sure, I ran away, but I had my reasons. I never meant to hurt anybody, I just had to get away from all that. That city. Too much happened there. I made a promise to myself that I'm never going back there. Suddenly Awira bursted through the door from the cafeteria. "Elianna!"

"Sorry Mitchel I gotta go" I didn't even let him say another word, just ending the call. "What?" I looked questioning at her in a little disbelief. It's not that I wanted to talk to Mitchel, I just, you know wanted to hear his voice one last time.

"Kaspian is Kaspian motherfucking Trusova. Why didn't you tell me?!" She basically shouted. "Yeah?" I was really confused by now. "Hello?! He's literally one of the most famous singers from Australia?!" What. The. Fuck?! "Then why is he studying here?" Hmm. "I don't know, all I know is that he moved here like a week ago" Weird? Something about him was suspicious, but who knows?

I walked into the cafeteria again with Awira by my side. Kaspian was gone? Where did he go? He was starting to get really weird, something was off. Or maybe he was just in a hurry? But where?...

"Where did he go?" Awira pulled me out of my thoughts "I don't know..." I stared at the table where he had sat, Kaspian.. hmm. "Besides, who called you?" She questioned turning to look at me "It was.. no one."

"Are you sure? You looked pretty shaken up when I saw you" She knew something was up, but I will not let my walk down that I had built up in the past moths just because he called me. It was a hurtful spot, yeah, but I had gotten over it, I think.. "Yeah I'm sure."

February 18th 2019:

It had been a month since Mitchel Cave called me. I hadn't heard from him in ages, well three months. But that's a long time according to me.

I opened my eyes slightly, only to get blinded by the bright sunlight shining in through my window, quickly shutting them again. When I made it to the point when my eyes were fully opened I looked over at my alarm. Saturday, no uni, but shit, work. Ugh. Exhausting. Well, well what choice do I have? 8:37 am, shit fuck shit. I had slept in. Now I only had 23 minutes before I'm supposed to be at work.

Everything was in a rush and I still looked like a mess running around me and Awira's apartment. Thankfully me and Awira lived practically in the middle of the city, so it only took 5 minutes to get to the cafe. 10 fucking shitty minutes left. Yes, I was feeling like this was going to be a bad day today.

I was 3 minutes late when I stepped into the cafe, still looking like a full on mess. I walked behind the counter and started working my shift.

I had been working for exactly 30 minutes. She was currently 9:33. It was a lot of customers today, both a busy and shitty day. The bell over the door dinged again. Typical New York, always people everywhere.

It's 9:35 and I'm cleaning the counter.

It's 9:36 and I hear a customers voice in front of me figure.

It's 9:36,5 and I realise I know this voice by heart.

It's 9:37 and I know things won't be the same anymore.


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