911 ~ 003

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Chapter 3:

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Chapter 3:


Clinton suddenly stood up. "I'll handle this El, don't you worry!" He said as he ran to answer the door. He pressed down the handle but wasn't strong enough to hold it so Allen wouldn't run in. "WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?" Allen shouted as he ran into the living room that was next to the hall. "There you are." He smiled sarcastically "now let's go home shall we?" "Hell no!" Mitchel suddenly said as he had stood up. Allen had now grabbed my wrist and held it tightly.

Next thing I witnessed was Mitchel's fist connected to Allen's jaw. "Don't.ever.speak to us, or her again! UNDERSTAND?!" Mitchel practically screamed in his face, sitting on Allen's lap. "And why shouldn't I?" "Because or else..." Mitchel held up his phone. He had dialled 911 and held it close to Allen's face. His eye was swollen for the punch as well as his jaw. "She'll come back, she needs me you fucking dick." Allen spit out to Mitchel as he walked out the door. Mitty stood up and Jordan ran up to him, "Are you okay?" She asked worried cupping his face in her hands. "All good." He reassured her and walked up to me. I hadn't realised what happened yet. Casilda and Kras sat on each side of me stroking my back. "Are you okay El?" Mitchel came up to me. "Mhm" I swallowed faintly. "Are you sure?" He said stroking my back as well"yeah.." I said as I coughed lightly. Jordan bent down on her knees in front of me and held my knee. "We're here for you honey, we're here." She stroked my thigh friendly. "Come, you need some rest.." Jordan said, stood up and held out her hand for me. I took her hand and stood up too. She helped me get my smudged makeup off and laid me in someone's bed and I slowly, slowly.. gave my soul to the sleep. It was hard to sleep though, from the recent thing that just happened, but I tried hard enough for my mind to go to sleep eventually.

I woke up by someone shaking me. I sat up harshly as I tried to open my eyes " Sorry if I scared you, but food's soon here are you hungry?" Jordan said as she stroked my hair again "Sorry again for waking you up I...supposed you were hungry.." "It's fine" I groaned as I sat up in the bed. "I like you Jordan, you're way too nice to me." I smiled a tired smile looking into her beautiful gaze. Her brown eyes looked at me longingly looking after something she wanted but I couldn't tell what it was.. "O-Of course honey I-I uh I like you too" She stuttered nervous and smiled, I caught her looking at my lips a little but I just shook it off. 'It must've been nothin' I thought to myself as Jordan helped me up.

We tipped down the stairs "Morning beautiful!" Clinton said as he wrapped his arm around my waist. Although it wasn't morning, it was actually late noon, probably like 7pm or something. I like Clinton, I really do, but something with him didn't give me what I wished for...I caught Jordan looking a bit much at me while Mitchel tried to get her attention. And she seemed to get upset by Clinton having his hands on me, but why? "Who's hungry?" Christian said as he and Casilda came in through the front door. We all were in the kitchen since we were going to eat. They carefully took out all the food trays from the brown paper bag, McDonald's. Simple, but good. I hadn't had this kind of food in a while, since Allen wouldn't let me eat too much or else I would get 'fat' he said. That is also what caused my anorexia and bulimia. But I had gotten better in the past months, since I took breaks from 'home' and went to the bar.

When we had ate up the boys decided to play video games at the Tv so me, Jordan and Cas could sit there and look(mostly be on our phones). I thought it was a little weird since Jordan insisted that her and Mitchel would sit next to me and Clinton. Jordan bended over on Mitchel's back as he was bent forward. "El, can I uh talk to you later?" "Suuuure..." I answered her. She was acting weirdly suspicious.

The boys continued playing for an hour or so but eventually got bored. "We should go out clubbing!" Christian suddenly suggested "I mean if you're okay with that Elianna" Actually I honestly didn't know if I was ready to go to a club, but I wouldn't say that to them. Not that I didn't feel like home, or was comfortable enough around them, I just didn't want to kill the good idea. "Sure, of course. That a great idea" I said after thinking a while "I need to wear something else tho, but I don't have any clothes here..." I looked down over the edge of the couch. "It's totally okay El, you can borrow anything you want from our closets. Right Jordan?" Casilda said as she looked over at Jordan. "Of course, that's no problem." Jordan smiled as Cas held her hands out "Let's go then we gotta find something to wear!"

I never really had any girlfriends, so this was very new to me. Although Casilda and Jordan was all I could've ever dreamed of when it came to friends. "So, El our closets is yours too from now on!" Casilda smiled widely as she slid open the slide mirror of her closet. "This is too nice of y'all.." I smiled a sad smile as I began looking through the dresses. I actually had a pretty good day today, apart from all the drama before. But the day got better. (Note from future Elianna: just wait, HAH u thought.) I found a cute light pink dress I thought matched pretty well to my light blonde hair. "Hey Cas can I uh try this on?" I asked as she turned around "Oh my god hon, I would love that dress on you!" She gestured towards the bathroom for me to immediately try it on. I crossed ways with Jordan coming out of the bathroom door, and I suddenly stopped when I saw her. "Wow" was everything I said as I stood there with my jaw down the floor, completely speechless. "Lucky Mitchel, right El?" Casilda said completely convinced of my answer "Totally!" I walked into the bathroom and put the dress on. Surprisingly it fit really good, perfectly actually.

When we finally arrived at the club, right inside of the entrance I felt a sudden cramp in my stomach. "Oh my god" I grunt-screamed as I wrapped my own arms around my lower stomach. I supposed it was maybe period cramps, but that would be really weird cause I never had those bad kinds of cramps, and I don't even have my period right now. "Are you okay?" Clinton said with fear and panic in his eyes. I just stood there with wide eyes with Clinton looking panicked at me until it finally let go. "What the fuck was that?" I asked with a shaky voice as the group stood around me. "I don't know..." Clinton said as he still had his hands on my shoulder a little bit bent over me.

A/n: HIII, you get a cookie again 🍪! Obviously 🙄 Anyways, what u think goin' to happen next huh? ILY💗 Shit I'm tired lmao, even though It's only 8:30 pm, and I usually go to bed at 2-5 am HEHE- LY MEAN IT, HATE U KIDDING. 💗❤️

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