Bruises ~ 005

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Playlist: you can find it on my Spotify 🤍

Chapter 5:

Me and Clinton was a happy couple! I got an abortion for the foster in my stomach after many doctors appointments but it all was good now. Well until.. yeah 'that' happened. Let me tell you the whole story, with details. Also Mr Mitty Cave was ignoring all of us.

November 12th 2018:

One night we went out, to a nearby club. All of us, Clinton and I, Mitchel, Christian, Casilda, and Pat and Jesse. The boys definitely got very drunk, all except Mitchel but especially Clinton. We were going home in Ubers since the boys were all too drunk to drive. Luckily they thought of this and didn't drive their cars to the club.

"Clinton you're so wasted!" I groaned while carrying him like a big baby on my back up the stairs. "Shoot upe.." he said drunkly almost tripping while trying to walk. I laid him down in our bed as I heard another car door close. I supposed it was Mitchel since he took his own Uber. "Come here Eliannaaaa" Clinton whined as I walked up to him doing as told. He held his arm out and gripped my hip. The grip was tight and was surely going to leave bruises. "Clinton. Stop. You're hurting me!" I spit in pain but the grip only got tighter by each second. He then grabbed my neon pink dress and started dragging by the ends of it. "Take it oooffw" he muttered while digging his nails into the fabric. "Clinton stop!" I screamed all I could. "Shut up!" Clinton managed to get at least two full words out of his mouth. His other hand was now on my other hip as he kept dragging the dress. "You're no funnnnn!" He murmured loud enough for me to hear it.

The next second the door flew open and all I heard before being thrown away from Clinton was a "What the fuck do you think you're doing to her!"

My only saviour was Mitchel fucking Cave.

Wait What.

He lunged his fist at Clinton's jaw and quickly beat him up before grabbing my wrist dragging me out of there. He held my wrist tight but still gentle. "What did he do to you?" He asked me looking in my eyes. "No Mitchel I.. why did you- I don't get it why did you save me I-" I couldn't get many words out of me as Mitchel's gaze was all over my face. "No El, what did he do to you?!" Mitchel was dead serious about that question. "Not-Nothing too bad.." I said dragging up the dress to show my thighs. There were bruises all over them but the worst part was my hips. Mitchel gasped as I pulled the dress even more up my body. My hips were badly bruised. Mitchel stroked his hand over my hips and I gasped in pain. "Sorry!" He quickly whispered and embraced me in a hug tightly. For some reason I felt completely safe in his arms. I broke down to the floor as Mitchel sat down with me.

We sat there for what felt like eternity, my arms wrapped around his torso. And his around my shoulders. My breathing hitched as I sobbed my heart out to Mitchel. Why did he all of a sudden start caring about me? I thought, that if you ignore someone for a week or two, you don't typically care for them. But I was apparently wrong about that. Cause the touch of Mitchel made me feel some way, I couldn't exactly explain.

I felt like everything me and Clinton had built up the previous month had all been thrown away, or even punched down. It felt like we were a wall of bricks that someone had knocked down. My breathing began suffocating me as I gasped for air. Sobbing uncontrollably in Mitchel's presence. The aesthetic was kind of beautiful to me honest, but I swear I was close to die from not breathing.

"Come" Mitchel grabbed my hand and helped me up from the floor. I was still in my heels and my neon pink dress that was slightly ripped and almost torn off. He picked me up bridal style and carried me to his room. To be honest I don't think I had ever been in his room before, and it looked completely different from Clinton's.

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