The Lion, The Witch, The Audacity of That Bitch!

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"You were one of the Apostles, were you?"

It was not rocket science. This shady as fuck guy is basically Cheon Inho v.02. Only smarter and with a far more ambitious goal than merely ruling a Station and its people.

Or maybe this is what Cheon Inho would've done if he was allowed to live longer and spread his influence.

"Ah, indeed. You got me, Yoo Joonghyuk-ssi. Allow me to introduce myself again. I am... the 1,195th Renouncer, and the Fifth Apostles."

He wonders how much this guy knows. Meh. Probably not even half the things Dokja knows—wait. Apostles read up above 50 chapters, but not 60... round that number to sixty anyway. Three thousand divided by sixty... this guy only knows one-fifth. At most.

And he claims to know the future?

Spare him the idiocy, please.

"What is your goal?"

"Well, you know how the saying goes. Too many butterflies will cause a storm. This way we're simply eliminating them before they become butterflies."

"And your plan regarding me? What are you after?!"

"Haha... what if I told you I could save you, Yoo Joonghyuk-ssi?"

"I don't need saving."

What does he think Yoo Joonghyuk is? Damsel in distress? And even if he was, he only wants to be Saved like a Princess by Kim Dokja and only by Kim Dokja.

"You see, Yoo Joonghyuk-ssi, we do not wish for your death. Thus it was quite a shock and pain to see that incompetent 9th and 1,089th brought you here, and we have to change our plan." Oh good. Looks like these two might be useful for something, alright.

The position of the plate changed and they had to move accordingly, all while dodging the dragon.

Truly, it was too ugly compared to the gorgeous dragons in Rok Soo-Hyung's painting.

"Yoo Joonghyuk-ssi. Since we are here, let's hunt the Disaster together."


Playing nice with this fucker? Yeah no. Not a fucking chance.

"You must be doubting our capability. Don't worry Yoo Joonghyuk-ssi, we have made some preparation."

"Fuck off."

"If you don't cooperate, your friends will die. Also, your HQ is going to be under our control anytime soon."

Yoo Joonghyuk froze.


Kim Dokja smiled as he sat, leaning on a wall with both Mia and Gilyoung using his legs as pillow. A bit far, he saw Yoo Sangah making friend with Gong Pildu while Hyunsung and Jung Heewon was making people do drills. Kim Dokja himself was noting the progress of the Fourth Scenario.

After excessive searching in the Store, he managed to find an Item that could act as a Group Chat. Way too pricey, and you need to spend coins to extend its usage, but nothing like clearing a few dungeons and milking the Constellations off of their money can't be fixed.

It was rather peaceful.

Then suddenly it felt like a storm alarm was going off.

Ugh. He just jinxed it, didn't he?

A wave of monsters rushed. It was a scarily reminiscence of the Third Scenario.


"Don't tell me twice brat!"

Kim Dokja sits back and lets the adults do the job. They got it under control. He can just stay back to protect the children, who were roused to awareness by the sudden noise, as well as trying to analyze what is happening.

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