Start of World's Bloodiest Capture the Flag

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Yoo Joonghyuk lifts Kim Dokja in bridal carry. Careful to not aggravate the injury. Even though he knows the wound on his stomach has closed without a trace, the High Grade Recovery Potions that 'Trash' of the Count Family gave to him work wonders, yet still... Yoo Joonghyuk didn't want to take chances in case something went wrong.

His hands are still red from dried blood. Dokja's blood.

[Constellation Demon-Like Judge of Fire Worries about Incarnation Kim Dokja]

[Constellation Prisoner of Golden Headband Pulls His Hair in Stress]

[Constellation Father of Rich Night Look at Incarnation Kim Dokja with Indiscernible Expression]

[Constellation Queen of Darkest Spring Sighs Sadly]

[Constellation Abyssal Black Flame Dragon Stated That Wasn't the Bloodshed He Wants]

[Constellation Secretive Plotter is Fretting About Incarnation Kim Dokja's Wellbeing]

"Orabeoni will be alright," Mia told him. "He will. Have to."

Yoo Joonghyuk can't even muster the strength to smile at her attempt to console him.

His mind replayed the scene where Dokja-yah stabbed himself.

Because of him.

Dokja-yah loves him more than he loves himself. Yoo Joonghyuk is painfully reminded of that when Dokja-yah rather die than hurt him.

If only he was stronger.

If only he killed the Dungeon Boss faster.

If only he didn't lower his guard.

If only he jumped aside when the Dungeon Boss was about to snare him.

If only

If only

If only...

"...what do we do now?" Yoo Sangah asks.

Yoo Joonghyuk look at the sky. A dawn filled with shooting stars.

It should be a beautiful sight. If it was any other situation he would have made wishes.

But he doesn't.

Knowing what those shooting stars, those meteors, carry inside them, what they signalize, makes the inside of his mouth taste sour.

"Let's go back to the Station." He told the others. "The Third Scenario is going to end soon."

He heard groans.

"Seriously?" Jung Heewon complained. "We were done with this and you talk about Scenarios? What about Dokja-ssi?"

Yoo Joonghyuk gives her a withering look.

"You think I don't care? Sorry to burst your bubble but we don't have a choice." He told her. "The scenario will happen regardless of our protest." If it were up to him, he would pause the whole shenanigans just so Dokja-yah could recover. Or better yet, pause it indefinitely.

Right on cue, the notification about how the Third Main Scenario finally ends... and the Fourth will begin shortly.

Kim Namwoon swore. "Dude. Have you ever heard something called break?"

"Will the Station be safe?" Lee Hyunsung worried. "Dokja-ssi, us, we anger a lot of people, what if they attack?"


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