Things are Heating Up!

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"Whooo! That's Delusional Demon Kim Namwoon!"

"Miss Naval Admiral Lee Jihye!"

"They sure look as awesome as the Revelation described!"

"Is that white hair really natural?"

Kim Namwoon stepped closer to the other teen. "Why are we doing this again?" He hissed, feeling uncomfortable at numerous pairs of eyes looked at him.

"Because Master wants to clear those Crackpots in one fell swoop." Lee Jihye whispered back. "It's easier and faster to capture when all the fish gather in one place than fishing them out one by one."

They glance at each other, before sighing.

Vice-Captain had told them about the Prophet. Apparently, some crackpot got a vision or something from a webnovel, the plot is uncannily similar, so they think they must be placed inside the story and got 'right' to change the narrative as they see fit. And seeing multiple people are in-the-knows... well. Those damaged-in-the-head weirdoes form a coalition.

Sounds like a cliché Isekai/Reverse-Isekai plot, if you ask Kim Namwoon's opinion.

So after spending the night mostly taking over nearby stations around Dongmyo, turning the Flag color into navy, they went to Angguk to meet with a majority of the so-called Chosen Ones.

Bleh. Chosen ones. More like, a wrongly chosen one.

Which part of these gawking freaks looks like they FIT to save the world?! They looks like the type who were set up as side character who will die just to hammer Cerebus Syndrome! Even kiddos back at Chungmuro could have and had done so much better.

Seriously! When can they move to the Killing Phase already? Those stares creeped them out!

At least the Vice-Captain takes the brunt of the gawk. Man, if Kim Namwoon got creepy amount of attention, their (temp) leader is basically made a spectacle. Like an animal on display at the zoo. Or maybe a Circus Freak on show.

Neither of them is flattering, but they're a rather fitting comparison.

Kim Namwoon won't begrudge him for looking like he wants to bolt away back to his lover's arms. These stares stressed them out, man! If you were gonna stare, at least have the decency to be normal! These people really ask to have their eyeballs removed!

"Ahh, Yoo Joonghyuk-Nim. It was impressive how you fought against ■■■■■■■■ in your ■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■. It's too bad it was only told to us in a flashback in the Revelation. I've always wanted to hear—"

"Cease Your Yammering or I'll remove your tongue."

Kim Namwoon elbowed Lee Jihye. "Was it just me or did you hear static also?"

"Not just you." She confirmed it. "Weird. Looks like Master can hear it well."

[Constellation Abyssal Black Flame Dragon Protest At the Dialogue Filtering!]

[Constellation 'Master of Steel' Frowned at the People of Angguk Station]

"Well. Whatever it is, he pissed off Master. Like, his-puppy-got-killed-and-spat-on kind of pissed."

"That goes without saying."

Vice-Captain's expression was as dark as Captain-Ahjussi during Food Hunting. When he goes nuts against Tentacle Demon to be exact.

This shady-looking guy won't live long enough to see the next sunrise. Kim Namwoon is certain of it.

"Y-Yoo Joonghyuk-ssi, w-we-we're really sorry!" Other so-called Prophet pushed the shady-looking guy to his knees. "What are you doing? Apologize!"

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