Reunion and A Talk

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Secretive Plotter watched as the first thing that greeted Kim Dokja when he arrived at Geumho station is a sucker punch, delivered by yours truly Yoo Joonghyuk of that Round (which regression is he?).

"Is that a bit excessive?" 11 questioned.

"I got that one coming, didn't I?"

"Since this Kim Dokja expect it and accept it with grace... no." Replied 71. "He had it due."

"Just for the records, I am furious." Yoo Joonghyuk's voice is deceptively calm.

It was the tone They used when they were well and beyond furious. The calm before the Storm. Based on how Kim Dokja flinched, he knows it as well.

Yoo Sangah looks like she wants to step up, but one glare from Yoo Joonghyuk stops her in her tracks.

"This doesn't concern you." He hissed. "If you want to be useful, take care of them." He jerked his head at the barely conscious victims. "Make sure their injuries are taken care of and they're fed."

Cowed, she led others to take care of the survivors of the Marginalized group.

"Now, Dokja-yah." Yoo Joonghyuk tapped his foot. "Do you have something to say?"

Kim Dokja seemed to be hunching and tried to make himself smaller. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"For causing you worry."


"He rakes him over the coals." 212 winces.

"Deserved, I say." 41 huffed.

"For... throwing myself away without trying to find another way..."

"And why," Yoo Joonghyuk pressed, "do you think sacrificing yourself is the best course of action, hm? Have you thought about what it would do to Mia? To me?"

999 flinched.

It was oddly similar to when he sacrificed himself for his Companions during his rounds. Lee Jihye, Lee Hyunsung, Kim Namwoon, Yoo Mia, Lee Seolhwa, and even Uriel, are all berating him for taking risks without caring about his own well-being.

The difference here is that, that Yoo Joonghyuk is the one who is furious at his companion's act.

Kim Dokja looks like he wants to crawl into a hole and stay there.

"I don't think..."

"Exactly. You don't think." Yoo Joonghyuk cut sharply. "Just because the penalty is Not death doesn't mean you cannot get injured! Don't think I don't notice burn under your jacket—a new jacket mind you. What happens to the old one? Oh right, Stomach Acid. Am I correct?" He looms over Kim Dokja. "Don't you dare to think that just because your head is not blown up, you are well. There are more ways to kill humans than you think."

"But I'm alive and well and..."

"And how likely you are, if you don't get supplied with coins from Constellations? Let's assume you how to use the Coin System, but there are set amount of coins required. What if yours is not enough? What would happen then?!"

999 is trying hard to not curl into Secretive Plotter's side.

On the bright side, he was not the only one. The Kkomas, even 41, were wincing in sympathy as this Round's Yoo Joonghyuk continued tearing Kim Dokja a new one.

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