Sub Scenario - Escape

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Yoo Joonghyuk wished someone had aspirin or ibuprofen or anything that could reduce the headache. It was no longer searing hot pain as if someone took a giant mallet and slammed it with full force, but the throbbing was persistent, even if it was low-key.

[Haha. Aren't there two interesting people? Well, yes. There will be another chance.] The Dokkaebi stated mockingly. [Now now, everyone has finished the selection. Rest here for a while. I have to go prepare for the next scenario. I'll see you in 10 minutes!]

10 minutes is not nearly enough. But with the wild beast outside, Yoo Joonghyuk wished the Dokkaebi cut the waiting time into half or less.

"Is there anyone who can open the carriage door?"

"Huh? You want to go out?" The white-haired teen asks curiously. His nametag say his name was Kim Namwoon.


"W-wha..." Oh, Idiot #2. "Go outside? You want to go outside? Are you insane?"

"Good idea." Dokja-yah nodded. "Where should we go?"

"Kim Dokja! You...!" When Dokja-yah ignores him, the idiot's face reddened in anger. Oh god no. Please don't tell him he's going to see such a cliché minor villain act. "Look at this boy! Where did you learn your etiquette?! Hey, I'm a Department Head, you're just a small-time worker! Listen to me or you don't care how much time you have left on your contract?"

Dokja-yah flip him the bird.

"If you want to hold a strategic meeting, or use this carriage as your shelter, be my guest." He replied. "I, on the other hand, refuse to do so in a place where I am open for attack, or have you forgotten the wild beast out there? The one you are so scared of earlier?" He points out at the window.

The others take one look at the massive monster and blanched.

"Let's go somewhere where we aren't in danger of being fish—err... snake food." Yoo Sangah nodded.

And Dokja-yah still has something to say to the Idiot. "Also, just fire me from Mino Soft, assuming the company still standing. I don't need it, to be honest."

Yoo Joonghyuk snorted.

Considering Dokja-yah is pretty rich from his untouched trust fund (from his mother's bestselling book that Kim Dokja hates so much), and the fact Kim Rok Soo really spoiled him in monetary sense (he swears that guy has no common sense when it come to money, bloody rich people), plus the unused salary from his mandatory military service ... yeah. Kim Dokja really doesn't have to work in Mino Soft. He just works there for social experience.

Nevermind the fact that Yoo Joonghyuk is more than happy assuming the role of breadwinner in their relationship. After all, he and Mia had moved in with the Kims after his old apartment burned down (damn you, senile neighbor! If you cannot cook then don't make a fancy smancy complicated dish you saw on Youtube!).

"W-what if the Dokkaebi return and blow out heads?!"

The idiot have a reasonable and justified fear, unfortunately.

"It blows some head because people keep pissing him off." Yoo Joonghyuk answered. "I mean, if someone cut me when I was making an important speech, I'd be pretty crossed. That thing just happened to have anger issues and too much power in its body."

"How do you know that?"

Yoo Joonghyuk sighed. Some people are way too stubborn for their health.

"Stupid ahjussi." It was Mia who fed up this time. "The door is not blocked by magic anymore. It just," she tried to tug it with all her strength, "help?"

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