Miraculous Encounter

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"Need a hand?"

"...You sure?"

"Of course."

"...okay then."

Nodding, the now Seventeen-year-old Kim Dokja helped pack the spilled groceries. Having ran to a nearby store to get a new plastic bag. He noted that they are mostly baby stuff and a few foodstuffs. The instant, cheap kind.

There's a lot of instant noodles there.

The teen he helped has glassy eyes from the sheer relief, all while swaddling the baby in an attempt to make her stop crying.

"I'll carry these." Kim Dokja offers.

"You don't have to."

"But I want to."

There's something about this teen that makes Kim Dokja want to bundle him in a comfy blanket—like the kind his Hyung uses. Some kind of kinship.

"Then, this way."

They were walking to a nearby apartment. Kim Dokja trailed after the teen like a duckling. He had to shake himself from a stupor seeing the insides of the apartment. It was average... which is why he was surprised.

Living with Rok Soo-hyung had skewed him with what is average and what is luxury. Hyung spoiled him.

Don't get him started on Choi Jung Soo-Nim.

The baby wails louder, snapping Kim Dokja out of his daydreaming.

"Mia, please wait a little longer, ok?" The older brother tried to soothe her. Practically snatching baby formula from the plastic bag and racing to make it. Bouncing her in an attempt to ease her crying. Leaving Kim Dokja standing in the kitchen awkwardly.

He decided to unpack the groceries and put them in the fridge, and the cupboard. Stuff like diapers and other baby stuff, he left on the table.

It didn't take long before the baby is fed and now greedily sucking the formula.

"Thank you." The teen sighed and slumped in the chair. "Truly, thank you."

"You're welcome." Kim Dokja replied, shuffling awkwardly. "Not being rude or something but... aren't you a bit too young to be a father?" He is about same age as Kim Dokja. How come he already have a child?

"She is my sister." The teen almost snapped, but calmed himself down on time. "Or so the letter said."

"The letter?"

"She..." the teen looked at the baby, "she was dropped on my doorstep this morning."

"That's... horrible." Kim Dokja winced. Child abandonment is, unfortunately, a problem in their country. "What about your parents?"

The teen's eyes darkened. "I lived alone."

...shit. Double child abandonment? Tracking down the older child to dump the younger one at his door? What kind of irresponsible parents does he have?!

"Sorry." Kim Dokja apologizes, and he means it. Hmm, maybe he can have hyung teach him how to track people down. That should make up for touching the sensitive subject. Speak of it, "You are given a great responsibility... and you did well. You make a good big brother."

"Do you think so?"

"Your actions certainly say so."

"Thank you." The other teen smiles and Kim Dokja just realizes how handsome his youthful face is. Especially with his mismatched eyes. "Ah, sorry. My name is Yoo Joonghyuk."

Kim Dokja almost fall off from the chair in surprise.

"Mine's Kim Dokja." He replied with a fake smile. Hoping the teen across him doesn't notice it.

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