The Boss is A SON OF A BITCH!

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"Welcome back to the land of consciousness, Great Plotter." 41 greeted the recently awakened Outer God.

"What did I miss?"

"Nothing much. Just them finished the rest of Movies. Albeit..."

"Albeit... what?"

"Have we ever been that soft?"

Plotter watched the recorded video of Yoo Joonghyuk comforted Lee Jihye.

"...Don't give up on living. If you live, there's a chance that things will turn around. There's a chance that things will become better. You must not give up no matter what."

"I can taste the Irony." 81 offers his opinion. One that is shared by everyone.

Wasn't quite a number of them died because of suicides when things take turn for worse instead of for better? This Yoo Joonghyuk is particularly naïve. Even 999 is not this naïve.

Maybe this one can afford to be naïve because so far, nothing but good things happened to him.

If they discounted the Kim-Dokja-threw-himself-to-Monster-Mouth, that is.

Speaking of, the group finally climbed to the final floor, Sky Garden, and was about to face Simulacra.

From his peripheral vision, Secretive Plotter can see 8 and 11 hold onto each other when Simulacra finally appears.

Right. Those two died because of that Dungeon Boss.

The Cinema Master raised his head, pretending to be an aged gentleman, before a dark aura shot from his feet to...



Both Jung Heewon and Lee Jihye fell to their knees. Groaning and clutching their head as if in pain.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" 8 screamed aloud. "This is not supposed to happen!" He turned to 999. "This didn't happen on your turn, isn't it?!"

"It didn't!" 999 shook his head, his face rapidly losing color. "It tried to attack me but my Mental Barrier repelled the skill!" he turned to others who also challenged Cinema Dungeon and won.

All of them shook their head in negative.

"Then why is he targeting them?!" 11 flailed, pointing to the screen that was now showing Lee Hyunsung blocking all of Jung Heewon's attacks, while Yoo Sangah was desperately restraining Lee Jihye using her stigma.

Yoo Joonghyuk and Kim Dokja tried to attack Simulacra. Keyword here is tried, as the bastard summons the enemy of the previous movies.

"Okay. Now, that one did happen on mine."

Secretive Plotter gripped on his armrest.

Unknown variable. Unknown outcome. This never happened before, he can't predict what will happen next.

Why the Cinema Master didn't target Yoo Joonghyuk of that round? Why someone else?

What makes him different?

Is it because he is mentally stable? If one ignores the clinginess, then yes, Yoo Joonghyuk of that round has the most mental stability. He was seemingly unaware of regressions, and having his sister and fiancé (and isn't that a can of worm? Him having a fiancé?!) in his arms, safe (for the most part) does wonders on his mental health.

On the screen, Yoo Joonghyuk is attacked by a minion that Simulacra summons. That creature manage to cut his back open.

Well, mental health doesn't equal physical strength.

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