Part 1//Lost

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Kat's pov.
I'm panting as I run through the forest. Steaming tears rushing down my pale face blurring my vision. I slam into a tree, then quickly stagger back to my feet. My heading pounding as I continue to run. Knowing what I'm running from, I pull forward. I see someone I front of me, I try to turn around but he has already pinned me down. I struggle to free myself be he is much heavier than I me. He starts to pull my pants down.

I scream. Waking my mom in the next room. She runs in as I start to cry in her arms. She whispers, "I know, I know. Your safe, he won't get you again." In muffled sobs I see my older brother, Max, standing in the door way.

It's been a week since Robert Johnson raped me in OakDale Forest. I remember it everyday. When I sleep, when I eat, when I'm just alone. At quart he was sent to 30 years in prison. I hadn't gone to school for that week because of fear. Fear of the hateful comments by the students. It was already blowing up my laptop and phone about how I was a whore who made our P.E teacher have sexual relations with me. And I was scared of the teachers. So I sit at home listening to my blaring music and play video games. I wasn't aloud to be alone though. Any time I felt emotional pain I made myself feel physical pain, it relaxed me. But frightened my mom.

We were almost completely different. With her golden skin and light blonde hair. Curvy figure and loving face. Bright blue eyes and a colorful spirit. However I had long black hair and pale skin, gray eyes and a slim shape. Large black glasses and a fake smile.

The next day I was out walking in the same forest where all the nightmares started. I still love being there though. Tall trees and just me. I had been gone for a good 4 hours when I started heading back... As I approached my small apartment complex I eyes burst into tears as the complex burst into flames.

I hoped you like the first part!!!!❤️❤️✌🏼️

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