chapter 87

198 10 19

Last time

Adam:my people, listen to my words, and listen good

*Adam Taurus said, as the show was about to bring*


*Ruby was using the shadows of the night to her advantage, she was holding her side in pain from being shot there. She could feel the blood trickling down her hand, as she glanced out of the corner, she saw the door. She was close to escaping. She took a breath and made a run for it, she felt another jolt of pain, as she was shot again, this time on her chest, she turned around and shot the sniper. Unfortunately for ruby, it made him fall on a crate causing a loud noise. She clicked her tongue as she ignored the seering pain, and made it to the door, she pulled it opened, and was home free. Until screamed, as a guard stabbed her tail, making her stay in place. Ruby fell on the ground grunting, borderline crying, as she turned around. Her eyes widen since as she turned around, the head of the person who stabbed her, was sliced out of there body. Ruby looked up at the man who did it,*

Adam:it's ok, your safe now, the white fang is here to help you

*Adam said putting taking the spear out of Ruby's tail, ruby winced and curled up a little, giving this disgusting man a hateful glare

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*Adam said putting taking the spear out of Ruby's tail, ruby winced and curled up a little, giving this disgusting man a hateful glare. But Adam didn't seem to mind, he still offered her, his hand*

Adam:the medical team will be here shortly to help, but before thay. Are there more inside? Please tell, so that I can liberate our people.

Ruby:....there all in the basement. I couldn't help them, there must be over 70 guards down there

*Ruby said she had to control her bite, so to not infect this boy who was trying to help her, with her poison. Adam touched ruby, putting her against the wall, for support. He moved two fingers in the air, and multiple white fang members came out of the shadows*

Adam:thank you for the information, we'll take care of things from here

Ruby;no...I... I can still fight....

*Ruby said trying to get up, but she didn't have the energy. Adam kneeled down and placed his hand on her shoulder*

Adam:you've done more then enough young one, stay still less your wounds get worse. I promise you, every slaver scum, every fucking human in there, will be killed without remorse

Back to the present

*Ruby was slowly making her way to the front, shaking the memory of when she first met the bull of the white fang. She made it to the front, the white fang bodyguards, looked at her and froze so much, that they didn't move when she started walking to the stage *

Ruby:gotta say bull. You know how to entertain a crowd!

Adam:who said...snake? Here I thought you were dead. My fellow brother and sisters, the rose of vacuo!

The Rose Of Vacuo Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora