45. Are you in love with me?

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They both woke up at the same time, slightly sore and uncomfortable as they  barely fitted on the single bed. Danielle's arm felt numb from being in the same position all night, and Kaylee had to make herself aware that she was nearly at the edge of the auburn's bed so she made use of nuzzling into the body next to her.

However, it was starting to feel nice and natural to sleep together and waking up to each other's warm embrace. Kaylee was definitely taking advantage of all the morning cuddles she could get, and Danielle was becoming familiar with regularly sleeping with someone too.

"When did I fall asleep–" Kaylee wondered.

"Hmm, nearly at the second half of the movie. I had to watch it alone, which wasn't fun."

"Ohh- I'm so sorry Danielle.."

"It's fine, studying tired you out I don't blame ya. That's what it takes to be a dork after all."

"Oh my, you call me dork one more time I swear I'll kill you!"

Danielle laughed wholeheartedly and pulled the brunette towards her for another cuddle, which she didn't objectify and in fact it made her shut up. Instead she took the girl's aroma in, getting used to smelling like her too since they were sleeping in the same bed.

"Have you got many classes today?"

"I've got a few, why?"

"I just wondered if we could spend some more time together before I go."

"Go where?!" Kaylee almost squeels.

"On an art trip. Our college is taking part into this competition in another state, so we are having a four day round trip."

"Oh wow, I'm sure you'll do great whatever the challenge is. But please no more drawing naked girls."

"Thanks, hmm we'll see about that. Can't make any promises.." Danielle laughs teasingly while the brunette pouts in defense she didn't necessarily like the joke.

"Hey, we will also visit a lot of  museums and see a lot of famous paintings in person. I'm buzzing from excitement I've never gone back to a museum after my father-"

"Now you sound like a dork." Kaylee teases to make the situation lighter and manages to make Danielle smile at her, glad that she wasn't upset about what she said previously.

"Couldn't be worse than you." Danielle pulls herself away gently and decides to start getting ready for the day, except having classes she also needed to pack her bags and say goodbyes to her friends.

"Will you call me?"

"Call you?"

"Yeah-just to..chat. Like friends do."

Danielle freezes in place, she hates when Kaylee refers to them as friends. She rolls her eyes and doesn't really comment on the matter as she doesn't want to stir another fight.

"If I'm not too busy drawing naked girls."

"Oh wow.." Kaylee didn't find the joke funny, instead something inside her sting her tummy, it could be that she was actually jealous.

"At least you'll have all the time and space in the world to hang out with your girlfriend now. Just don't do it on my bed."

"We just spend the whole night together, can we not talk about her like it's the most normal thing in the world-"

"Oh, okay. Didn't know girlfriend talk was off limits too. My bad."

"It's not.." Kaylee sighed quietly, she was getting rather frustrated. "But I don't think about her, when I'm with you."

"Mhm, that's new." Danielle decided to turn her hair curly today so she was using the curling iron, when Kaylee finally decided to get out of bed, as grumpy as she was, and get ready for the day.

"Do you think of other girls when you're with me?"

"What kind of question is that, Kaylee?"

"The kind I want to ask. So, do you?"

"I'm single, so I don't see why I wouldn't be thinking of seeing other people even if you and I have something going on right now.."

"It's beyond me how you're just so casual about all this but okay, I guess I don't matter as much..." Kaylee sounded hurt as she simply started doing her make up in the bathroom mirror.

"Wait, why does it bother you so much?" Danielle's eyes followed the brunette around the room, trying to piece her thoughts together to make sense of the argument.

"It doesn't." Kaylee says bluntly.

"Come on, I know you better than that."

"I said it doesn't." The brunette slightly raises her voice and regrets it immediately.

"It doesn't look like it.." Danielle now stands at the door, leaning against the frame with a rather questioning look on her face. "What's gotten into you? Why are you being so defensive all of a sudden? What did I say that was wrong?"

"You're just wasting your time asking all these silly questions. You should be getting ready for your big day."

"Yeah, I can decide that for myself thanks. Now answer me. Before I go on a rampage."

"You're so stubborn. Some things are just better left unsaid. You got your message across pretty clearly."

Kaylee sighs and since she had finished with her make up she tries to make an exit out of the bathroom but Danielle blocks the entrance with her hand.

"I might be stubborn, but I also care about us. We were fine a minute ago, and now you can't even look at me."

"There's no 'us' apparently. You've made that pretty clear Danielle." Kaylee says with a voice that was about to crack.

"Does that bother you?"

"What do you think?"

Danielle smiles slightly, as if she's slowly starting to realize where this conversation was going.

"That's not just up to me, you know. I can control my impulses, I can stay away from seeing other people while we have something. But that still doesn't change the fact that you're taken. It's not really fair, is it?"

"I'm not asking you to stop flirting or seeing others. I'm just saying, it's not the easiest thing having you to myself one moment and losing you the next, thinking I might potentially lose you forever.."

"Kaylee, that's my reality. Literally everyday. I get to kiss you, touch you...see you at your most vulnerable, be in your arms, look at your smile, live through your little habits..and for what? Just to let you go and let someone else enjoy all that was mine?!"

"I'm gonna ask you one more time then.." Kaylee paused nervously, she couldn't believe she was about to comfort Danielle again but she needed answers and she needed to justify all these feelings somehow. "Are you in love with me, Danielle?"

Heat in the dorm - Daylee Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang