6. What am I going to do with you?

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"I didn't know your sister had it in her to do that.."

The blonde completely ignored Danielle and found her opportunity to throw herself at Peyton since Kaylee was occupied talking to her crush. With all the girls gone from the table,  Danielle had no one to speak to so she casually approached Leo who was also sipping his drink alone. Seems like she was about to forgive him.

"Can I speak to you for a sec?"

"No silent treatment anymore?"

"Shut up."

"Okay, so where we going?"

"Bathroom. It's more private."

Danielle led the boy into the bathroom, boasting herself purposely in front of Kaylee and her interest. The brunette momentarily wondered what Danielle's business was, what was she doing with that boy again?  She thought she was over Leo when this argument in their room broke out. She shook her head in complete disapprovement but tried to focus back on her own conversation instead of dealing with the girl's issues again.

"I'm totally certain I won't remember any of this tomorrow. I told you I don't do well with drinking."

"Let me guess, did your roommate pressure you into drinking?"

"Well, like you said it happens sometimes when you hang out with different groups of people."

"Haha, I get it. I'm kinda glad you did.''

Lulu smiled in understanding. However, she was starting to realize the effect Kaylee's roommate had on her. And this was just the beginning

"By the way, I'm sorry for running away last time. There was no decent reason why I was so avoidant after our coffee."

"Don't worry about it, we all need our time to adjust. But I'm glad you found me when you did today. In all honesty, I wasn't expecting you to be here."

"Well, you never know you might see more of me in the future.."

"Definitely. How about next week? Same place, same time?"

"Mhm, it's a date!"

Kaylee melted into a sweet smile, she was definitely finding the right words to say to her crush that night and scoring some points.

After a while, suddenly the two girls were interrupted by Kaylee's sister. She looked like she was worried about something.

"We have a code red. We need to go, right now."

"Huh? Why?"

"It's Danielle, I heard she's throwing up all over the place and the boys are gone. We need to get her back to the dorm safely."

"Ugh, she's not my problem Jen."

"Actually, she is. She is your roommate."

Kaylee looked between her sister and back to her crush, she wasn't in her right mind that was for sure but her sister was right. She was responsible for her roommate, whether she liked it or not. The twins found the auburn in the bathroom, cleaning herself in a state of confusion. They hooked their arms around her body and practically carried her outside, getting some fresh air while waiting for their taxi back to college.

"Y-You don't need to do this you know, I'm..fine.."

"You were throwing up a minute ago, why do you drink so much alcohol if you can't handle it in the first place?"

Jenny scolded the younger girl.

"Take a damn chill pill. I said I'm fine."

"You could have at least given me a heads up, Lulu will think I'm rejecting her again."

"You know what? I'm just gonna walk! Sorry for ruining everyone's night or whatever!"

Danielle started walking into another direction, and Kaylee rolled her eyes while her sister tried chasing after her. Being the oldest one made her feel responsible in a way.

"Definitely not, I said you're coming with us."

"Stop being so dramatic, nothing's going to happen to me!"

The taxi arrived and Kaylee jumped in first, waiting for the girls to settle their argument. Jenny opened the other door and called out.

"Get your ass inside, now!"

"Ugh, whatever."

The auburn settled next to the other girl in the taxi and on the way home she noticed Kaylee had her arms crossed and was avoiding looking at her at all costs. They looked like a bunch of angry and stubborn teenagers.

After a short ride they had arrived at the college where Kaylee and Danielle were dropped off.

"Stop acting like children, and look after each other okay? I will see you next week, probably. Goodnight."


Danielle stumbled back inside and headed towards their room, inserting the key into the keyhole looked like an impossible mission for her until Kaylee came and snatched the key away from her hand.

"Let me."

Danielle rested her head on the wall next to them, while watching the brunette unlock the door with certainly more ease, feeling stupid.

"Are you coming inside, or not?"

"Yeah, yeah.."

Kaylee was glad to be back to her dorm, all this socialising certainly tired her out. She was quick to slip into her pyjamas and take off her make up. When she came out of the bathroom however, she realized the auburn was laying flat on her bed. Her very own bed. Damn it.

"Do you realize you're on the wrong bed?" Kaylee approached the other girl who had already passed out.


Kaylee sighed, trying to find the patience to deal with this. She slowly walked towards her bed, and decided to take the initiative to undress the other girl to make her feel more comfortable in her sleep, first taking off her shoes and then her leather jacket tucking it neatly on the side. She then sat at the edge of the bed, looking at her for several moments.

"Whatever am I going to do with you?"

Heat in the dorm - Daylee Where stories live. Discover now