27. Your body is art.

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It was a short walk to the art centre where the ceremony was taking place. Everyone was dressed up formally and the fashion sense was eccentric, to say the least. Kaylee could never imagine Danielle would be engaging herself with that kind of crowd, but she was glad she was getting a glimpse of it. First someone offered to take their coats away and then they were greeted by roaming waiters who served what looked like champagne.

"Why are artsy people so fancy?" Lulu chuckled and took a drink, followed by the brunette doing the same.

"I guess this is another side of college."

"Oh, there's your roommate. Should we go greet her?"

"She looks occupied.." Kaylee looked over at the auburn, it was easy to spot her through the crowd considering she looked like a goddess. She was wearing a minimalist type of suit, which looked like one piece going all the way down a little further up her knees like a dress. She was in high heels, and nothing else. It didn't take much for her to look simply gorgeous.

"So what? She's the one who invited us here after all. Let's go. We have to wish her good luck." Lulu walked over to where Danielle was standing, drink in hand and talking to a group of friends.

She was specifically talking to a beautiful girl when the pair of them got there. Kaylee tried to make out a bit of the conversation, and she was pretty convinced Danielle was hitting on the girl even though she previously stated she wasn't interested in them.

"Hey there, this one was insisting we should come and see you on your big night." Lulu said with a smile, unaware of the whole situation between the two roommates.

"I was in the middle of a conversation, as you can see.." Danielle faced off the black haired girl, checking her out from head to toe in a not so friendly manner.

"I told her you looked busy, we'll catch you later." Kaylee tugged on Lulu's hand wanting to get rid of the situation fast.

"Not so fast, Bryant. I've reserved your seats next to mine, just so you know. I'll be seeing you soon."

"Oh, okay- thanks. We'll see you soon..good luck out there."

The brunette dragged her girlfriend along and walked off in a rush.

"Not so friendly, eh? Now I understand why she gets on your nerves, the girl is plain rude."

"You have no idea."

After a while of mingle and drinking champagne, the ceremony was about to start so everyone was shown to their seats promptly. In the beginning, there were a few boring introductions and thank yous to the organisers and the university. After that the competition had commenced and each piece was shown and rated by a few judges, most of them being the university's professors. Finally the ratings were gathered and the results would be announced soon. Kaylee looked over at Danielle, who was sitting on her right, taping her hand nervously on her exposed thigh looking like a nervous mess. She leaned down closer to her ear, being there was a lot of commotion going on.

"Relax. No matter what happens, you should be proud of yourself."

"Your body is a piece of art either way, win or lose baby." Danielle hit back the girl with an unexpected compliment.

"Oh god- can you not.." Kaylee blushed visibly and pulled back shifting nervously in her seat.

"And now..may I have your attention everyone! Our judges have made a final decision..the painting with the highest rating tonight belongs to....our beautiful...Danielle Rose Russell. Come on up on the stage!!"

A huge smile was plastered on Kaylee's face seeing her roommate beam with happiness and pride knowing her effort was being rewarded, and she was partly the reason she won. Danielle looked back at the brunette briefly "We did it, I fucking knew it.." she told her before leaving for the stage.

"So exciting to meet you, Danielle. Tell us a little bit about yourself. How long have you been an artist?"

"I started drawing ever since I was five. My father used to draw for hours, and I used to watch him. I still remember the first time he thought he'd come up with a new colour and he got me to name it." Danielle chuckled wholeheartedly.

"Beautiful background story. Now about your fabulous painting over here. Where did you draw your inspiration from? And is that girl in the crowd today?"

"I always draw inspiration from daily life, or past memories you could say. She is..in fact. But she's a little bit shy. So I don't think it's best-..."

Meanwhile Danielle's speech, Kaylee's girlfriend was gluing the pieces together. She'd swear she heard Danielle say to her "we did it" and upon mentioning the girl in her painting was there tonight, it finally struck her. Kaylee was the girl in the painting, she had been all along. Posing naked, for god knows how many hours. Visibly upset with the thought, Lulu got up from her seat and started walking to the door. A desperate brunette chased after her but she didn't stop until they were right outside the building.

"Where are you going?!"

"What the hell Kaylee?! This is what you're up to with your roommate when you two are alone?"

"It's... yeah okay- look it's true. She painted me..my body..but that was before you and I started dating. That's before you asked me out I swear."

"It's still very disturbing."

"It's not a big deal. People in art schools draw real models every day, it's just a process."

"Yeah as part of a lesson. Not in private, not behind closed doors. What else does she make you do, huh?"

"Nothing! Stop assuming things."

"Well, she doesn't look like a person that has the best intentions for you."

"You barely even know her!!"

"I know enough. Sorry but I'm leaving. I should have never come in the first place."

"Please don't go!!" Kaylee watched her girlfriend leave, but she didn't try and stop her. Maybe allowing some space for her to process the whole situation was best.

When Danielle was back in her seat after receiving the trophy, she didn't spot Kaylee anywhere and she started feeling worried. She decided to look for her indoors first and when she didn't see her she made her way outside. She briefly watched the two girls exchanged a heated argument before stepping up after Lulu had left.

"Uh-oh. Trouble in paradise?"

Heat in the dorm - Daylee Where stories live. Discover now