37. You stayed.

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"God damn it, I'm gonna look for her. You coming?" Bianca said after several failed attempts to reach her friend.

"What if she's just hitting it off with someone?"

"Then at least we'd make sure she's alright."

"Yeah, sorry I don't wanna walk in on my roommate fucking someone else." Kaylee pouted.

"Will you just stop being a child and come with me?!" Bianca dragged Kaylee along and after looking through the crowd for some time they decided to look outside, where Danielle had been spotted last.

"You two are literally driving me crazy." Bianca told the brunette as they were looking outside.


"You know why, Kaylee. I'm her best friend, I know things. I know how she feels about you and you're just.."

"What? Go on, like this is the perfect timing for a lecture while we're looking for her."

"You're just missing out. She's fixated on you, it's like nothing else matters to her anymore. School, friends, other lovers. And you have no idea how many people would like to be in your shoes."

"Well, that's her issue not mine. If I had known earlier, maybe things would be different. That's what I told her."

"You should probably give her more than just a taste then, if you want to keep her. Because if Danielle is not satisfied soon she will move on to someone else. Someone who can actually commit themselves fully to her."

The girls kept scanning the backyard and asking people on their way if they had seen their friend and finally Kaylee spotted a body laying on the grass nearby which looked very familiar. Auburn hair was spread out and so they both assumed Danielle had probably passed out from her high alcohol consumption leading up from the game until now.

"Holy shit, that's her." The brunette was the first to run towards the girl, instinctively she placed a hand over her chest to check for breathing, relieved to find Danielle was conscious and awake but just simply too dizzy to move.  "I told you to take it slow!" She almost yelled.

"It's your chance to play hero, Bryant." Danielle snorted finding the turn of events funny.

"Shut up, it's not even funny."

"You gave us a scare." Bianca added as she was next to the auburn now, kneeling on the grass to examine her situation.

"Yeah I bet you were nothing but scared with two guys filling you right u–"

"Oh shut the hell up, it's not the time for this! Get up! Can you even walk?"

"You're being so mean to me. Just leave me here to die, both of you!"

"Danielle, we just wanna help.." Kaylee sighed, she didn't like when her roommate was in that state but knew she had to help. "Look, we're gonna get you inside, somewhere safe. Right, Bianca? Help me out here please."

Kaylee hooked one of the auburn's arms around her neck while her friend did the same and together they helped her walk inside and up into Bianca's room where she would be resting for the rest of the night. As soon as Danielle hit the bed, she closed her eyes, the only way to fight the dizziness was to try and fall asleep.

After several hours, Danielle opened her eyes to realize it was morning already. She must have gone to sleep pretty late last night because that definitely did not feel like adequate sleep. She also realized she wasn't in her dorm, but she soon recognized the surroundings of her friends bedroom. She reeked with alcohol so she took a shower, and borrowed some clothes hoping her friend wouldn't mind, it was one of the countless habits after a hangover anyway, between friends, and Danielle was grateful she was taken somewhere where she was safe after her reckless act.

She decided to go down the stairs afterwards, as the smell of coffee seemed quite apetizing at the moment and she definitely needed to find and thank her friend for this. Also catch up with last night's events, since she passed out after a while and she was curious to hear all about her friend's whereabouts. Once she entered the kitchen, Danielle froze at the sight.

"Um, what are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to be back already?"

"Oh, good you're awake. How's your head?" The brunette smiled back at the sleepy auburn. Her hair was wet, and her clothes slightly unfitting but she still looked naturally beautiful.

"My head? Because of the hangover?"

"Yeah, and..you passed out yesterday. You fell on the grass luckily, so the damage wasn't too bad. I was worried though. I stayed up all night watching over–"

"You stayed with me?!" Danielle took another step in the kitchen, feeling hesitant and crossing her arms over her chest.

"I stayed in case your head was in a bad shape or something. In case you needed me."

"Like I said I don't..." Danielle paused, the words coming forcefully out of her mouth "need you."

"At least don't be so rude about it." Kaylee shook her head in disappointment, and carried on making coffee not really surprised with the attitude. Danielle was still holding it against her.

"However, I definitely need this though." Danielle reached over and around the brunette getting a hold of one of the coffee mugs.

"These are for our hosts. You should wait if you want coffee, it's not ready yet!"

Kaylee scolded the auburn, who looked at her momentarily as if she found it sexy when she was bossing her around and a smug smile appeared on her face.

"What are you smiling for?!"

"Nothing..it's nothing." Danielle leaned on the counter next to the other girl instead, looking at how she was grinding coffee beans with the smile still on her face.

"I didn't know you could do that. I can't wait to taste it."

"I'm sure it's time to get rid of the taste of tequila now."

"Don't even go there."

"Sure, I'm just glad you seem to be in a better mood and not all that hangover."

"Me too. I guess, it could have been so much worse."

"Hmm, is that your way to say thank you perhaps?"

"Okay, Bryant. Don't flatter yourself so much. I bet you're not all that happy that you missed out on some tipsy sexy time with your girl by staying with me."

"Well, what if I wanted tipsy sexy time with someone else instead."

"That's definitely not the message you got across last night."

"Is that why you were drinking your ass off then? Because I blew you off?" Kaylee raised an eyebrow, starring the auburn down.

"Not everything has to be about you. I'd rather be conscious if you're gonna spend the night with me, though."

"Remember that for next time then, lover."

Heat in the dorm - Daylee Where stories live. Discover now