36. I don't need you.

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"Better get used to it."

Danielle was about to reply back and snap at the brunette before the door opened and their friends urged them to get out for the next round.

"What took so long?" Someone asked.

Both girls looked at each other unphased and returned to their seats, trying not to reveal anything. They spun the bottle again, and this time it landed on Leo and Danielle and the group went wild with comments.

"Uh-oh, this will not go down well."

"Okay you guys don't kill yourselves."

"You should skip this one.." Kaylee mouthed to Danielle but the girl ignored her.

"Let's get this over with, shall we?" The auburn walked to the closet and the boy followed her somewhat involuntarily.

"Well, it looks like you're gonna be forced to talk to me now, tough luck." Leo said while shoving his hands into his pockets. Being locked up with the auburn actually didn't seem that bad of an idea.

"Or we can just wait it out without talking. Works for me."

"Are you gonna be mad at me forever?"

"I'm not mad. I don't even care anymore, you're nothing to me and we should keep it that way."

"I might be nothing, but she isn't."


"Come on, Danielle. You think I don't know where you got that hickey from? You didn't have this ten minutes ago, it's obvious who gave it to you."

"Shut up! Why do you even care?"

"I just wanna know if she turned you gay or if you're just messing with her for fun. Not to mention, she's in a relationship apparently but you already know that don't you?"

"If she turned me gay?!" Danielle snorted but at the same time she was getting annoyed and angry at the assumptions "my business doesn't concern you so just stop talking!"

"Yeah but it concerns her girlfriend. Somebody should tell her what Kaylee is up to. You're both lying to her."


"Why? What would you do to stop me?"

Danielle stepped closer to the boy, using her elbow to press against his neck using a lot of force to trap him against the shelves, she learned this position in one of her self defence lessons that she took in the past.

"You've already fucked with my life once, why do you want to do it again huh??"

"Because she's got what I don't which makes me jealous."

"If it's me that you want, why are you willing to blow up all the chances you could possibly have with me?"

"I didn't realize I even had any."

"Well, now you don't..that's for sure."

"Y-You are choking me Dan.."

Danielle stopped using all of her force against the boy's throat and released some of the pressure letting him breathe again.

"And I could do much worse if you open your mouth to her girlfriend. I'm warning you, you ruin this for me and you're dead."

"Is it bad that I find this hot?"

The auburn rolled her eyes, she realized she was giving the boy exactly what he wanted. At once she decided to release him and exit the closet before their time was up.

"Danielle!! Wait!!! Where are you going??"

"This is over." She shouted.

Everyone looked at the door and Danielle rushing out seemingly upset, Kaylee was immediately alarmed and followed the girl to the kitchen where she was headed to get some air and distance herself from the situation.

"You lost. Five shots to each of you!!" The group said to Leo and he crossed his arms defensively, this is not the outcome he expected.

/At the kitchen/

"Dani, wait..could you stop for a minute please?"

"Stop following me damnit. One minute you blow me off and the next you're running after me like some god damn puppy."

"But I do care. And as your friend I want to know what he did to make you this upset. Please tell me he didn't touch you."

"Kaylee you and I are not friends.."

Danielle laughed somewhat sarcastically, she poured a drink of lemonade and poured the rest of the tequila from her flask in there. At least this time she was taking her roommate's advice and she wasn't drinking straight up alcohol. However, she was already feeling light headed at that point.

"I need to know. I need to know you're okay.." Kaylee said with utmost worry in her voice.

"I'm fine. Fucking perfect."

"Okay can we just.." Kaylee reached for the girls hand, taking it in hers caringly but Danielle yanked it away. She grabbed her drink and went out of the house. She needed to distance herself from all of this and definitely didn't need Kaylee calling her a friend.

"Leave me the fuck alone."

A few hours later, the group had made no attempts to get through to Danielle instead more people were getting drunk and ending up making much worse choices. Bianca finally made an appearance, after indulging in a heated situation and was excited to tell all about it to her best friend so she went asking around when she couldn't spot her anywhere.

"Hey guys, where the hell is Dani?"

"I assumed she was with you.." Peyton says.

"No I was....busy. I haven't seen her for quite a while. I thought she was with you. She should be with you. Especially you.." Bianca turns to Kaylee "whatever happened to looking out for each other?"

"She doesn't want me looking out for her. Why would I anyway?"

"Because..you know why." Bianca rolled her eyes, she wasn't getting much information right now.

"Anyway, somebody must have seen her. Where did she go last?"

"She went outside..after..."

"After what?!"

"Come on Kaylee, it wasn't such a big deal!!" Leo interrupted.

"What the fuck did you do again?!" Bianca shouted at her brother.

"Nothing..I did nothing..we were just talking...I swear..."

"We were playing seven minutes of heaven and these two ended up locked up together. Danielle left looking like she was really upset and I tried chasing after her but she didn't want to tell me what was wrong.."

"So you just left her? I can't believe this. Call her..right now."

"Um, I don't think she will pick up.."

"I said right now!!!"

Kaylee pulled out her phone, she started ringing Danielle several times but the other line didn't respond. That's when she started getting worried herself, she knew Danielle could either be with someone right now having fun and ignoring her or stranded somewhere after getting seriously drunk. Either way, she didn't like the thought of her being at risk at all and not knowing if she was alright. They had to find her, and they had to act fast.

Heat in the dorm - Daylee Where stories live. Discover now