19. Am I your little secret?

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Danielle found herself feeling impatient as the clock ticked, waiting in her room having already set up an easel she borrowed from the arts department. She had even taken care of the lightning which was slightly dimmed, creating those perfect shades of dark and light needed for shading her painting later. The time passed and her volunteer was not showing up, making her question whether she was going to turn up at all.

After a few more minutes, she heard a faint knock on the door so she jumped off her bed excitedly and opened the door but instead of her visitor she found her roommate waiting there with an annoyed face.

"Oh, it's you."

"Yeah, I saw the - tie on the door. I've been studying in the library for two hours now and I assumed you had finished with your...date or whatever."

"It wasn't a date. Actually she didn't turn up."

"She? Ohh- um, so can I come in now or what? I have no homework left and it's getting late."

"Yeah, yeah. Come in." Danielle stepped to the side letting her roommate in while running a hand through her long hair and exhaling at the same time.

Kaylee scanned the room, the lightning looked somewhat romantic and she could spot the easel in the middle of it which got her wondering what her roommate was up to all this time.

"That looks..like something. Were you stood up by your date?"

"Like I said it wasn't a date.." Danielle closed the door, and walked lazily to her bed. One look at her anyone could realize she was disappointed. "And yeah, to answer your question. Happy now?"

"I can tell you're moody, but you don't have to come at me for being stood up. It happens." Kaylee rolled her eyes and started putting her things away.

"Not to me."

"Okay, what's this about anyway? Were you going to draw something?"


"What?" Kaylee arched an eyebrow, the conversation drawing her attention.

"I was about to draw someone, you know about that competition I told you about. But I guess it's not happening, and my painting will suck. I don't stand a chance."

"Oh, that's why you needed the room to yourself."

Danielle started putting away her fine coloured pencil collection and her paints while the brunette watched her. She tried to convince herself she didn't have to help Danielle out of every situation but seeing how much that competition meant to her she suddenly made a suggestion.

"I can model for you."

The auburn laughed, shaking her head in denial as this was seemingly a very bad idea.

"No, you shouldn't."

"But I want to."

"Kaylee.." Danielle gave her roommate a questioning look, she was on the verge of saying yes but she had to warn her about the implications first, although she was certain the girl would reject the proposition.

"The theme is the human body, remember? That would require you to get naked and pose for a while in front of the canvas.."

The brunette widened her eyes. She wished she hadn't agreed to this suddenly. But at the same time, she didn't want her roommate to think she's a coward.

"It's not too late to back down, you know. You really don't have to do this if you don't want to.."

Kaylee pouted her lips, she was contemplating the possibility of showing off her body again, they had already seen each other naked once anyway so what's the big deal right?

"Um- what if we do it from the waist and up? I wouldn't be comfortable being drawn completely naked. I mean, people are going to be seeing this all over the college right?"

"Yeah, we can do that." Danielle flashed a sweet yet nervous smile, she couldn't believe Kaylee was warming up to the idea already. This was happening.

"O-okay, let's do it then. Where do you want me?"

"You can pose on your bed. Just stay relaxed and find a comfortable position because this might take a while so we don't want you feeling sore after."

Kaylee listened to the instructions she had been given and sat on her bed, she took her shirt off first folding it neatly on the side. She noticed the auburnete was occupied setting out her paints again, and didn't necessarily pay any attention to her which made her feel at ease with the privacy given, as she was about to lower one side of her bra. Her bra strap fell gracefully over one shoulder as her curly hair naturally gravitated over the other side. Danielle gulped nervously, she tried not to stare at the sight in front of her or stress about how Kaylee was taking a painfully long time to undress in front of her almost as if she was doing it on purpose.

"Today, dork." She commanded, eyes still glued at the canvas in front of her convincing herself she was absolutely fine with her roommate being exposed like that.

"I'm ready." Kaylee said in a low voice as she laid down on one side using her elbow to prop her upper body, legs stretching on the bed comfortably. She tucked her hair on one side again, covering half of her chest which added a little playfulness to the whole image of her. Danielle finally decided to look past her canvas, gazing at the brunette with complete awe.

"Okay-now if you..can..just look at me and stay still..perfect."

The auburn had never attempted to capture the realness of another person before, and the way Kaylee's body looked under the dimmed lighting was simply mesmerising. From her soft round and perfectly shaped shoulders, to her defined collar bones, her golden necklace hanging just right down mid length her chest. Danielle was focused, eyes scanning over the fine details of Kaylee's face to further down her neck and torso while her hand was tracing over the first lines that captured the girl's curves perfectly on the paper in front of her. First she started with a quick sketch of the brunette's body shape and later she would add the smaller details like her hair's texture, shading and Kaylee's unique body marks.

"H-How is it turning out?" Kaylee whispered, almost not wanting to ruin her composure and therefore the painting.

"Beautiful.." Danielle breathed out somewhat breathlessly, but really she was at loss of words. Needless to say her hand was almost shaking.

"Good, I can't wait to see it." Kaylee melted into a smile, while studying her roommate's reaction. The auburn looked more tensed than usual.

Danielle had made quite a lot of progress already half an hour in, after completing Kaylee's facial features and her upper torso she had to move lower to her exposed chest. Although they were both girls and this shouldn't be that much of an issue, she felt guilty for starring at her roommate and studying her body so closely. She could notice her chest was slightly erected, possibly from the cold and her stillness, or at least that's what she told herself.

"I'm almost there.." Danielle reassured the other girl who was patiently waiting for the result.

Her chest was heaving up and down slowly, and she was seemingly relaxed but her face was flustered while her cheeks had gotten slightly red and you could tell she was getting shy from being exposed to another's eyes for that long.

"Danielle?" Kaylee suddenly whispered again.


"Can this..um, stay between us? I mean I don't want anyone to know it's me on that painting if that's okay."

"You can be my little secret, yeah."

The auburn's lips twisted into a little smirk upon hearing the girl's words. As intimate as this felt, Danielle also wanted to keep this between them and protect her roommate from unnecessary comments. Her body was just hers to enjoy and hers only.

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