the first kiss!

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Arnavi's pov:-

Aah Dev called me his wife!
I swear I never felt like this when he called me HIS WIFE and took my side infront of aadvay.

Someone knocked the door.

Come in I said in very cold voice.

Good afternoon queen the guards said in unison.

Hmm! I replied in again my famous cold voice.
I usually talk in cold voice but I don't know why I talk softly to My babyboy? Maybe because I don't want to hurt him.

I sighed before indicating the guards to speak.

Happy holi Queen they said politely.

Same to you guys! But let's come to point.

Queen! I checked the c.c.t.v. and found a unknown man there looking at you and King the security guard said.

It's OK send the footage to kartik and tell him to meet me in study room.

Ok! Queen the guard said and started to leave from there.

I stopped him asking about DEV and others.

The king is in living room with our family one of them replied.
I nodded and they left from there.

They call Dev their king as they already likes him and can't wait for our marriage. My guards treats my family as their own even if I talk strictly with them but they loves me Don't know why?
I'm cruel and...

The door gets open by kartik.

Princess I killed him right on the spot and the guards get rid of his body right away when you was playing holi with Dev! Kartik said right away entering the room.

I gave him glare and he again spoke!

I didn't get help from them because I want everyone to think that we didn't notice so..

Yup! Nice no need to complete I said assuring kartik that I know him more then him self.

But then scolded him reminding him about c.c.t.v. footage.

I get rid of that..

Loud Thud !


I almost yelled my babyboy fuck!

Babyboy!  Come here and kartik leave! I said softly.

You! Yelled at me Princess Dev pouted while complaining.

I didn't knew that it was you sweetheart I said trying to explain him but..

No, you always say that and don't pay me attention I won't talk to you! Dev said while complaining me.

I pulled him towards me and he leaned on my laps!
His cheeks were already red and he was looking cute.

Pri..ncess, pl..ease leave m.. me! I got angry but seeing tears I his eyes I immediately pulled him towards my chest trying to console him.

After some time I asked him the reason.

Vo, you know I..
What? Continue I swear I won't hurt you sweetheart I said softly.

I should be the one doing this and try to make you feel happy but here...

Who said that ? Dev I asked in confusion.

Vo ....

Dev tell me hmm! Won't you tell your Princess? I again asked him and this time he pouted while saying that he saw that in drama!  What the fuck?

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