Holi me pyar ke rang?

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Surprise! Happy holi guys! Hope you enjoy reading
Dev's pov:-

It's been 5 days since I last saw my fiance yup!
Fiance I know that we have to make this relationship work somehow so, I'm trying to get used to everything.

Dev! Come we have reached my mummy spoke.

While nodding I came out of car and saw Arnavi's mom approaching us.

She came and hugged mom,also me.

Welcome home! Dev beta she said happily.

Thank you for inviting us for lunch my papa said.

No no! We are now family and we have to discuss the wedding preparations and all so we thought we could do that today Arnavi's dad said while guiding us inside.

Hmm! Where is Arnavi? I asked them and they looked me as if they saw some kind of ghost.


Fuck Arnavi ! We need to leave right now! Kartik said to Arnavi panickingly.


We'll reach on time for lunch for now let's go.

Dev's pov :-

Uncle is continually trying to call Arnavi as we are waiting for her. It's been 1 hour since we came here but she still didn't arrive.
I can see he is getting very angry poor her maybe today uncle ...

PRINCESS IS HERE! One guard yelled.

Queen is here sir.

I don't know why everyone was panic?

I saw Arnavi coming in with Kartik.
Damn she is looking so beautiful in black shirt and pant fuck! I want to hold her close to me and kiss he...
Wait! When the hell I started to think like that?

Arnavi you are late uncle said coldly.

Dad I'm going to fresh up! Then we'll talk later and  Thanks for waiting uncle. She said and left from there without waiting for reply.

Uncle can I go to her room? I asked to him and his eyes winded.

He said of course Kartik show him the room.

My dad winked at me? Why?

Bro what about you go there later Kartik said nervously?

I glare at him as he guide toward her room.

Just joking!  Kartik said nervously.

Hehe! I like that it was worth to mimicking Arnavi.
I thought as we reached her room.

Room was dark giving her vibes. I went inside without knocking and regretted instantly as I saw her only in underwears.
Fuck! She is sexy and hot I want to ..
Wait is she injured?

Can you bring the kit already she said annoyingly.

Well, the kit was in front of me so, I was lucky. I  went towards her worriedly.

                              Arnavi's pov:-

I got injured in my last minute urgent
mission great!
It's painful and dad is already angry with me from last 5 days as I got angry on Dev !
He wants me to give him a chance.

Aahh! Is he really my dad or his I thought while pouting unknowingly.
Well, to be honest DEV is handsome and hot but that's not the case. He is kind also to be honest I still remember seeing him on road helping a pregnant women and I liked his nature as in today's world everyone is selfish and here he was helping her without thinking twice.
After 4 days I again saw him infront of a office where I went for meeting. he also came there to attend some meeting and there he helped a female coworker as she was being forced by his manager. He immediately fired him.
He doesn't remember Me because he never met me.

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