Chapter 12: Zoe (Lemon)

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Hmmm..." He wasn't said anything but he look outside and stare at the window and seen the night has turn on and make him notice the full moon was rise up and make him stare at the beautiful moon night and it was pretty shining for what (Y/N) look at it. Then (Y/N) was sigh out when he was smoke the cigarette little bit and he said to himself.

(Y/N): " is beautiful for this night." He said to himself.

When (Y/N) was holding the radio in his right hand and he was start to listening for what the people outside there and calling for helps

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When (Y/N) was holding the radio in his right hand and he was start to listening for what the people outside there and calling for helps...and lot of innocent people was dying out there and the virus is outbreak cause all everyone got infected by these things...and turn them into zombies.

(Y/N): "What the CEDA was been planning up to?" He asked himself and make him was smoking it up little bit and he turn his head to look at the sky and again and make him was lean his head on the wall and chilling little bit. Then there was Zoe who was behind at the door and make her was stare at (Y/N) was shirtless and he had his own pant on by himself and make her was definitely blushing up for what she saw (Y/N) had a perfect body with 6 pack muscle for himself and he was sat there and chilling little bit.

Zoe: "*Holy shit...he's pretty hot as hell.*" She thought herself and she was daydreaming about (Y/N) because she seen him was truly brave assassin and mercenary by himself and (Y/N) is the only one who was brought those innocent people alive. But his words were fine and he can get them out of here...this Tokyo hellhole city...overrun by these zombies out here and this is the only way to get them out of here.

Zoe: "*Hell, (Y/N) was pretty handsome....he is really handsome-*" She thought herself but got interrupted by (Y/N) who was speak out to Zoe that where she really hide and make her heard his word.

(Y/N): "I know you were in there, Zoe." He said to her.

Zoe: "EEP!" She was yelped out and make her was surprise and she didn't know (Y/N) definitely notice and sense the presence of Zoe was behind to (Y/N) and make him turn his head slowly to look behind at Zoe who was stepped out of the dark. Then she was become a shy right now and make (Y/N) just chuckle to her and he asked her in question.

(Y/N): "Zoe, what are you doing here?" He asked her.

Zoe: "I-I-I'm just checking on you! T-That's all!" She said to (Y/N) and make him was chuckle to her and he said.

(Y/N): "You are quiet cute to me, Zoe...when you just hide there." He said to her and make her was sigh out little bit and she was walk up beside with (Y/N) and make her sat down next with him and she asked him.

Zoe: "So, what are you doing right now?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I'm just chilling right now, Zoe...but the thing is...I just sit here and all I want to think there is other way to get you and others to get out of here." He said to Zoe and make her was sigh little bit and then she was lean her head at (Y/N)'s shoulder and she asked him.

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