Chapter 3: Fujimi Academy

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) with Naomi, and Zoe are fighting some zombies who were stood on their ways and they were killing many of them and slaughtering many of these zombies like nothing and the three of them just stood right there and breathing out little bit. Then (Y/N) was reload the M16A4 rifle by himself and (Y/N) was turn his head to look at these zombies over there and here comes the horde of them are running here by themselves.

When (Y/N) was with the two of them heard this and make the three of them heard the horde sound is coming here right away and then (Y/N) turn his head to look at these zombies are appeared here and make him sigh out and he use his assault rifle with the grenade launcher. Then (Y/N) aiming at the weapon at these zombies and he shot it out and make the grenade launcher hit those zombies and blowed them up like nothing and Naomi was surprise for what she saw (Y/N) had other weapon from the under his assault rifle and that is the grenade launcher.

(Y/N): "Hehehe....Damn these zombies are killed easily by me.~" He said to himself and he went back to focus shooting at these zombies with his assault rifle and killing these undead alive by himself and then Zoe assist (Y/N) to fighting these zombies. The three of them just terminate these zombies with their weapons and after they take many of them out and it seems they both were doing good back there to survive.

(Y/N): "Alright, let's get going." He said to them and make them nod their heads and they both start to moving out and when they are heading to the other bridge by themselves and they notice there was a group of zombies down there by themselves and seems smokes are out there...this is chaos...and all everything around here.

Naomi: "W-What's going on here?!? H-How did this happened?!?" She asked (Y/N) and Zoe

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Naomi: "W-What's going on here?!? H-How did this happened?!?" She asked (Y/N) and Zoe.

(Y/N): "We don't know...but this is just beginning." He said to her.

Zoe: "So what now?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "We need to find the safety or search the survivors...we cannot let these things tries to kill us...we need to survive." He said to the two of them and make them nod their heads by themselves and the three of them were going out to somewhere and start to find the safety. Then they need to find Francis and Louis that's what the three of them going to do...but no matter these zombies and virus out there and it won't bothering at (Y/N) and Zoe...because they knew it is happened again.

Time Skip Later.

In Fujimi Academy.

When (Y/N) with Zoe and Naomi are walking out to somewhere and they seen there were short or some zombies around them and they are shooting many of them by themselves and take these zombies down with their guns and then the three of them killing these zombies like badass. But after the three of them are done with these zombies killing and then they both spot over there and they seen there was a school for these students are living there.

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