001|Stiles Gajos x Deuce Gorgon|

Start from the beginning

He turns around when he feels the person behind him, only to see that they have their back towards him.

"Sorry about that," The person starts, and Deuce couldn't help but hear the softness of the voice, it kind of made his tense shoulders relax a little. "I didn't mean to just drag you along like that. Those bastards wouldn't have cared, they would've seen you and probably jumped you,"

It was like the air in Deuce's lungs was knocked out as the guy turned around. He locked eyes with whiskey ones, that seemed to glow under the sun. His eyes basically scanned the male's face, it was unintentional. An upturned nose that was paired with cupid bow lips, a mole-scattered face, and once again, those eyes.

"Whoa, your eyes are green," The guy breathes out.

That's when Deuce realized that this person was a human, his eyes widened as he snapped his head to the side. His heart dropped, his blood running cold as his body tensed, waiting for the reaction of a human seeing a monster.

He waited and waited, and waited, but after a few seconds that seemed like hours, a chuckle reached his ears.

"Dude, you can turn back around, I know you're a monster," The person spoke.

That confused Deuce even more, he slowly yet hesitantly turned around, locking eyes with whiskey ones for the third time today. "You're not scared?" Those were the words that fell past Deuce's lips.

The guy lets out a laugh, it shakes his whole body and Deuce's eyes widen at the sound.

"Me? Be afraid? Won't that be like friendly fire or something like that?" The guy spoke, calming down and looking at Deuce.

Said male's eyes nearly fell as the guy's eyes slowly turned orange, his hair growing ever so slightly as orange ears with black tips formed on the top of his head. His mouth parted to show fangs growing, and his nails turned into claws. The visible moles that were on his neck formed a pattern of sorts, as his human ears simply disappeared.

After the transformation, the guy looks at Deuce with a grin as he tilts his head. "Never had that reaction before,"


"A werefox, pretty cool right?" The guy smirks, two tails swaying from behind him. "Sadly, I only have two tails, but hey, I don't really show them," To prove his point, the tails slowly fade away.

Deuce was at a loss for words, he didn't know what to make of the situation. Well, it was all pretty clear, but that transformation, he's like clawdeen, half human and half werefox. Mind you, Deuce never encountered a werefox before.

"Right, I didn't introduce myself. I'm Stiles, Stiles Gajos, nice to meet you," The guy, Stiles, introduces with a small smile, but Deuce just stands there still in shock. "Uh, this is when you introduce yourself,"

That has Deuce snapping out of his trance. "Right, um' Deuce, Deuce Gorgon,"

Stiles' eyes slightly widen before he takes a few steps towards Deuce, letting out a hum. "Huh, you're Medusa's son, great genes she has," He says, looking at Deuce's green hair where a snake pops out from under his beanie.

Smiling a little, Stiles raises his hand and moves it towards the snake. Deuce couldn't stop or warn him because he was currently frozen by the scent of Stiles. He didn't mean to smell him, but he smelt pretty good.

"Awe, who's this little guy?" Stiles asks, running his finger over the snake's head.

"U-uh, that little guy's name is Sass," Deuce forces out, clearing his throat as Stiles steps back, what is wrong with him?

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