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After losing the crystal, I lived my life on a constant time stamp. A sense of anesthetic numbness settled over my daily routine. Although I felt nothing inside, I've continued to live up to what Ophelia had asked of me.

I protected my kind. The innovative and developed drug was introduced to our kind just recently, and we have been successful in breeding and prospering. My reign continued to be steadfast and strong with the help of Silas.

When I was not reigning, I sat on the sofa in my room and looked out the window. During that time, I allowed myself a chance to be vulnerable. Looking at the glistening star, I would talk to it as if I was talking to Ophelia. My mourning and depression worsened around Ophelia's death day. I would spend days in the bedroom and allow my pain to envelop me whole because it was the only thing I had left for her. The only thing that proved to me was that she was real.

It continued like this for another two decades.

Finally, Silas suggested we spend some time away from the castle.

Waking up in Paris could be said to be luxurious. The sun stretched its golden hues across the blue skies and illuminated the tall Eiffel Tower. There was a light breeze bringing in the smell of freshly cooked and baked breakfast meals. A sense of tranquility befalls over the city of light.

Although the weather was fair and it was early in the morning, I had dressed in custom UV protection clothes, jacket, UV protected contacts, thin UV protected gloves, and even worn a hat to ward off the sunlight as much as possible.

A change of scenery could help me. Walking through Haussmann's architecture and bustling streets, I remembered the years of living in Paris. It was during an undercover mission. Good days, but I quite enjoyed a small coffee shop. It had under 10 seats, but their imported coffee was distinct and affluent.

My phone buzzed, and I took it out of my trouser pocket to view. Just as I turned the corner, someone ran into me. My phone dropped to the concrete walkway.

"Je suis désolée! Je suis désolée!" The unknown woman apologized profusely.

I bent down to grab my phone.

"ce n'est pas grave." I forgave her before getting up. I turned to look but only caught sight of her backside.

I looked at my phone again and noticed the screen broke. Swearing under my breath, I stuffed my phone back into my pocket before walking hurriedly to the coffee shop.

Silas was already waiting for me at our usual table. I sat right in and waved for the waiter. He came and took my order. After the waiter left, I stuffed my hand back into my pocket and pulled out my phone. I slid it over to Silas.

"Get my phone screen fixed after this."

Silas picked up the phone and saw the damage to the screen before taking it and slipping it into his own pocket.

"I'll get right on it." Silas grabbed for his Danish and took a bite. "So what are your plans today?"

"It's been a while. I wanted to visit a few archaeologists' friends and attend a lecture at the university."

"Did you need me to come with you?" Silas asked.

I shook my head. "Do whatever you want. I should be fine."

The server brought my coffee, and I leaned back in my seat to sip my coffee while observing the scenery before me.

After my morning with Silas, I stopped by the museum to meet a few friends. They had wanted my opinions on a few ancient artifacts that were shipped in a few days ago. After I helped them with the shipment, they offered for drinks afterward, but I declined respectfully, as I had other plans. Silas managed to get my phone to me before I left the museum.

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