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The dining hall was enormous and crystal white

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The dining hall was enormous and crystal white. On one side of the wall were four floor to ceiling arched glass windows. They pulled the sheer curtains back to reveal the late night already. The dome ceiling had lights along the edge. A glass rectangular dinner table in the middle with several white, elegant chairs. To the right of the table was a group of erotic dancers for entertainment.

Sitting at the table, there were several elegantly dressed female and male vampires.

I should have known that dinner for vampires was not dinner for a normal person. In front of each vampire was a human. The vampires were openly fondling their human. It wasn't a full-on orgy, but the vampires didn't mind caressing their human's thigh or brushing their lips along the neckline. The human seemed to be in some kind of magical trance. Their hooded eyes and lips parted.

I sat in my seat next to Atlas and Silas. Silas even had a human female across his lap. In front of me was a plate of spaghetti and garlic bread. With a jerk of Lazarus's finger, one available human female headed in Atlas's direction.

I watched the young woman walk closer. She was pretty with long flowy blonde hair. Her makeup was on point. She dressed in a thin, light purple sheer dress with a low neckline. Anybody could tell she was more than happy to entertain Atlas. I couldn't blame her, though. A vampire's presence was damn near hard to resist. It was what made them predatory to their prey. A human's mind was weak from their power.

Before she could sit on Atlas's lap, Atlas denied her with a dark look. He blocked her access to his lap with his arm. The woman looked at Atlas before looking at Lazarus. Lazarus waved his hand to dismiss her.

Picking up my fork, I dug into the food placed in front of me. My eyes wandering between Lazarus and Atlas. Honestly, Lazarus was a handsome devil, too. The guy looked like he popped out of a model magazine. His black suit fitted him perfectly. When he smirked, he looked even more captivating. Then there was the straight nose, sharp cheekbones, and playful azure blue eyes. No wonder there are so many human females around him. The guy was a chick magnet.

Atlas's hand rested on my thigh before he squeezed it hard. I returned my attention to him and immediately gave an apologetic smile. I could see the accusing look in his eyes. He saw me looking at Lazarus. Putting my hand on top of Atlas, I tried shoving his hand off my thigh, but he tightened his grip. I narrowed my eyes at his hand before glaring at him. Atlas practically ignored me and leaned in to speak to Silas quietly.

Ignoring how his hand was resting on my thigh, I focused on finishing my food before someone took it away from me. Who knows when my next meal would be? These people don't eat the way I do.

"So, tell me more about yourself, Ophelia," Lazarus questioned.

Halfway slurping my noodles, I lifted my gaze to Lazarus. His red eyes glimmered mirthfully. Sticking my tongue out, I licked along the lines of my lower lips and the corners. I didn't think twice about what I was doing. When I eat pasta, I tend to get sauce all over the place. I never wear white because I was such a messy eater. Even so, I had Lazarus looking at my lips hungrily.

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