◍CHP 11

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Anirban stood in the hallway, the lights kept flickering. He got a phone call from one of his clients, Mr. Khurana.

Moving towards a nearby balcony to take the call in private, Anirban's mind was preoccupied with business matters as he engaged in conversation. Little did he know, in that same moment, the lights in the corridor flickered once more, then abruptly went out, plunging the area into complete darkness.

Anirban found himself enveloped in the inky blackness. The corridor, once illuminated by dim lights, now became a void of shadows. In the darkness, he could hear the faint murmurs of other people nearby, their voices muffled by the absence of light. Anirban's senses heightened as he tried to make sense of his surroundings, the uncertainty of the situation adding to his growing unease.

He quickly ended the call with Mr. Khurana, saying, "Mr. Khurana, I'll talk to you later. I'm a bit busy right now," before hanging up. Anirban switched on the flashlight on his phone to survey his surroundings and headed towards the washroom to check on Mehek. However, as he walked, he accidentally collided with someone coming from the opposite direction, causing his phone to fall to the floor.

"Shit!" Anirban exclaimed in frustration as he bent down to retrieve his phone.

The man he collided with quickly apologized, saying, "Sorry, sir, I didn't mean to do that."

Anirban replied, "It's okay, but please help me find my phone."

The man nodded and switched on his own phone flashlight to assist in the search. They both began scanning the area, but Anirban's phone seemed to have disappeared.

"You keep trying," Anirban instructed the man, "I'll be back," as he walked off to continue his search. The man agreed to help and continued to look for Anirban's phone.

He made his way towards the washroom, the darkness still enveloping the surroundings as restaurant staff hurriedly tried to address the situation. Knowing it was the women's washroom, he hesitated to enter but couldn't shake off his concern for Mehek's well-being.

"Mehek, are you okay? Are you done?" he called out, hoping for a response.

When silence greeted his inquiry, he spotted a restaurant staff member passing by with a torch. Seizing the opportunity, he approached her urgently.

"Excuse me, my girlfriend is inside the washroom, and she's not feeling well. Can you please enter and check on her? I'm really worried; she's been in there for quite some time,She is wearing a black dress" Anirban pleaded, his voice tinged with concern.

The lady nodded sympathetically, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Yes, sure," she agreed without hesitation, ready to assist in any way she could.

The restaurant staff member entered the washroom, her torch  light piercing through the darkness as she meticulously searched each stall. With a thorough examination, she opened every door, checked every corner, but found no trace of anyone inside. Despite her careful scrutiny, the washroom remained empty.

Exiting the washroom, she approached him with a concerned expression. "Sir, there's no one in the washroom," she reported, her voice tinged with confusion.

He brows furrowed in disbelief. "What? What do you mean?" he asked, his tone filled with uncertainty.

The lady reiterated, "Yes, sir. There's no one. I checked thoroughly."

Mehek : The Desired OneWhere stories live. Discover now