Fears of past

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Normal P.O.V:

After the whole outbreak that happened early winter everyone had been more prone to fights than usual which prompted Principal Announcer and Professor Two to do something about it, by drafting groups of them into saving one another from a nightmare. 

One team in question BEEP upon the snap of Two's fingers are teleported into a vacant forest of semi-dead trees and purple grass. 

Balloony: Where are we?

Cloudy: This must be Yoyleland. 

Balloony: Well it's a good thing we have someone who knows her way around, so what do we do Leafy? Uhh.. Leafy?

The boys look around to find no lemon leaf in sight. 

Roboty: -.-. .-.. . .- .-. .-.. -.-- / - .... .. ... / .. ... / .-.. . .- ..-. -.-- .----. ... / -. .. --. .... - -- .- .-. . / .-- . .----. .-. . / -.. . .- .-.. .. -. --. / .-- .. - ....

David: Aww seriously?

Nickel: Hang on, I think I know this area... Yeah, this was where me, her, and some of her pals went camping one summer. We uh learned some things about her that day.

Woody: Wha? Ohwa wahha bah..?

Nickel: I don't know much, I just know that Leafy's been through worse than just living in Yoyleland alone as a kid. That being said, I think it's best that I take charge in this ordeal. 

Balloony: I'm not gonna argue, lead the way Nickel.

David: Aww seriously. 

Nickel looks around when he discovers a strange looking building nearby. 

Nickel: Over there, maybe Leafy is somewhere in that building. C'mon. 

The team then head on inside unaware of what horrors they could find. Meanwhile out in the real world Two walks around keeping an eye on the sleeping students when they notice Leafy rabidly twitching in her sleep. 

Two: La-la-la-la-la.. Hm? 

Leafy: *fearful muttering* 

Two: Oh dear, your night terror's certainly a rough one isn't it lil 'Leafy? 

Leafy in her sleep twitches and even begins to claw away at the bed, two gets taken aback when one of her hands suddenly grows a set of sharp claws. 

Two: Oh that's new.. Worry not Leafy, I'll sit here and accompany you until your Beeping friends help you out. 

As Two keeps close tab on Leafy's reactions The Losers! emerge from one of their member's nightmare victoriously. 

Two: Hello Losers! Already saved your friend I assume?

Loser: It was easy. 

Coiny: Can't say you're afraid of heights now can ya Firey?

Firey: Are you kidding me? Most of you were a terrible help, I'm even MORE scared of heights now! I'm just glad to be out of there... 

Eggy: Hey Professor Two, I couldn't help but notice Leafy didn't join us in that nightmare. Is she with another club for this activity?

Two: Yes she is Eggy, in fact SHE'S the one BEEP has to save from a nightmare. I must say though she doesn't seem to do well with bad dreams. 

Clock: uhh yeah i can see her... tossing and turning behind you. 

Two: Yeah, she out of nowhere grew claws too and is dreadfully tearing up one of the beds I spawned in for this exercise. 

Firey, Coiny, Needle & Pin: WHAT?

Needle: Two you gotta bolt her down! 

Two: But- why..?

Needle: JUST DO IT!

Two: Okay okay!

Two's hand glows as they spawn some strong straps over leafy to keep her in place. In response to these new restraints Leafy's movements only amplify with her barring her teeth every now and then as well.  

Clock: What's going on with Leafy? And why does she have to be strapped down?

 Firey: it's a little hard to explain..

Loser: What's there to explain? She's having more than a nightmare, she's having a night terror. 

Cake: Oh! So what, does she go crazy when she has those?

Needle: ... 

Needle: Yeah.. you could say that...

Pin: Hey Two? I know this is BEEP's mission but I don't think they're gonna be able to handle whatever is going on in Leafy's head, if it's allowed could y-

Two: Put you guys in Leafy's night terror? Sure!


Just like that The Losers! have been sent into Leafy's nightmare. Pin, needle, Coiny and Firey collectively agreed to go in themselves however the rest of the club has gotten roped into the nightmare as well much to their displeasure. 

Cake: Woah, is this.. Yoyleland?

Coiny: (oh great, they're put here with us)

Pin: Clearly her nightmare is her past...

Eggy: Wait so those old rumors of her being stranded here as a kid were true!?

Firey: Yep, pretty much. Where're BEEP though...?

Multiple people: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!

Clock: I think that's them over there.

Lo and behold Clock is correct as BEEP sprint right past the group full of fear and even hide behind The Losers. (Woody of course continued running in circles screaming)

Cake: Woah! Nickel, what happened!?

Nickel: *incoherent gibberish and weird noises*  

Balloony: he's been like that the second that... thing leapt at us! 

Eggy: Wait, what sort of thing?

Cloudy: It looked a lot like Leafy e-except-


Firey: Well soot...


~To be Continued~

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