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Home Ec class, Normal P.O.V:

Each duo of students works hard in making a tasty treat, Pin on the stove with two sauce pans melting milk & while chocolate while keeping a moderate eye on both of them.

Pin: Have you finished crushing the candy canes Leafy? Leafy?

While mixing the peppermint extract with the milt chocolate Pin looks to find Leafy slumped over the counter wither her head rested on her hand and barely awake. Slightly annoyed Pin tries to get her attention.


Leafy: Huh-! I'm up! I'm up! Oh right the candy canes, I'm on it. 

Leafy takes out a mallet and starts smashing candy canes while they're inside a closed Ziploc bag.

Pin: This has to be the third time you've dozed off today, have you been getting any sleep?

Leafy: Yeah, I slept great actually. It was getting up I struggled with... 

The leaf lets out a soft yawn and shakes herself awake until she finishes crushing the candy canes and brings the bag over to the baking sheet, once Pin pours and spreads both layers of chocolate into said pan Leafy puts some gloves on and sprinkles the candy cane over the chocolate.

Pin: red and green candy canes, nice idea.

Leafy: The green ones are spearmint too, so you'll get both minty tastes. 

The girls soon place the pan into the fridge to cool, while they wait they spend the rest of the class cleaning up their station. 1 hour later Pin takes the pan out, leafy then breaks the sheet of peppermint bark and hands a piece to their teacher 10.

10: *crunch* Hmm, peppermint. *crunch* with spearmint as well. Pretty unique take on peppermint bark ladies, I also like how the candy cane colors match both of yours, that's some extra points for presentation. 


10: Have a good day students, I'll see you tomorrow.

Pin and Leafy divide their treat even between them placing the pieces in cute little goodie bags and exit the classroom together.

Pin: I'm still a little concerned about your recent habit of dozing off, just what is that about?

Leafy: I think it has something to do with the winter season. Colder seasons means less sun, thankfully not so little that I go hungry but I surely don't much glucose intake this time of year.

Pin: Oh I see, so since the sun doesn't pump you with as much glucose sugar you aren't as energized like usual. Say, does this apply to all plant based objects?

Leafy: I saw Flower get in trouble falling asleep *long yawn* during science earlier this afternoon so I guess so.

Pin: Huh.

The two meet Firey and Firey Jr. and walk home together, Pin of course breaks from the group when they reach her house and says her goodbyes. Once they return home Leafy tosses her backpack to the side and throws herself onto the couch after turning the tv on. 

Firey: So I had a pretty good day, how about you Leafy? 

Leafy: It was fine, Pin and I made peppermint bark. I'm *yawn* super tired though, I'll just have a little... nap...

Before she could finish her sentence Leafy had already fallen fast asleep quietly snoring, Firey after emptying his backpack takes a spare blanket and places it over her knowing that she's going to be out for quite a while. Firey Jr then comes up noticing his mother asleep again.

Firey Jr: Daddy, why is Mommy sleeping so much?

Firey: Uh, you know how bears spend all of winter sleeping? Well, that is what's going on with your mother, only she's not gonna be asleep all winter just through most of the day.

Firey Jr: Ooh. 

Firey Jr: Can we have Taco Bell for dinner then, since your cooking's terrible? 

Firey chokes on his laughter in reaction to the backhanded insult from his son and takes a moment regather himself.

Firey: Snirk-! *inhale* I'd be a little upset if that wasn't true.... yeah, we'll have Taco Bell. BUT you gotta finish your homework before I get back.

Firey Jr: Deal. ^u^

~To be Continued~

(Author's note: shorter chapter today, cuz my motivation is dying....)

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