Amidst the chatter of their loved ones, they find moments of quiet intimacy, sharing whispered secrets and stolen kisses that speak of a love that knows no bounds. It's a moment they'll cherish forever, a glimpse into the future they'll build together.

As the breakfast draws to a close, they rise from the table, their hearts overflowing with gratitude for the love that surrounds them. Hand in hand, they look forward to the countless mornings they'll share together, knowing that their love will only continue to grow stronger with each passing day.

As they stand by the door, the morning light filtering through the windows, the air is filled with a mixture of reluctance and anticipation. Jeongguk is preparing to head off to the office, while the other lingers, unwilling to let go of the precious moments they share before the day pulls them apart.

With a gentle touch, Jeongguk places a tender kiss on Taehyung's forehead, his fingertips lingering against Taehyung's cheek.

"I'll miss you today," he say softly, his voice filled with sincerity.

Taehyung gazes into his eyes, a wistful smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I'll miss you too," he reply, his tone filled with longing.

"But I'll be counting down the hours until I can see you again."

They share a brief embrace, holding each other close as if trying to freeze this moment in time. Before they part, they exchange promises of phone calls and messages throughout the day, small gestures to remind each other of their presence despite the distance.


On the other side of city

As Yeonjun pushed open the door to the coffee shop, a cacophony of clinking cups and murmured conversations enveloped him. He stepped inside, breathing in the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee.

With a wry smile, he glanced around at the eclectic mix of patrons scattered throughout the cozy space. A group of students huddled in a corner, textbooks open and laptops glowing. A couple sat intertwined at a small table, lost in whispered conversation. 

"Well, this is the perfect opportunity to practice my patience. I've always wanted to be Zen." Yeonjun said as he approached the counter by navigating his way through the tables and stood behind the man in suit, impatiently typing on his phone, his posture looking frustrated.

"Ah, yes, the noble pursuit of inner peace through caffeine deprivation," the man standing in front of him replied. Yeonjun raised his eyebrows; the voice seemed familiar. He tried to remember where he had heard this voice before.

"It's the new trendy wellness trend. Forget yoga; it's all about mastering the art of the coffee queue." He ignored his thoughts and replied to the man while nodding his head, trying to appear sincere.

"I can see it now: 'Coffee Line Meditation: Find Enlightenment While Waiting for Your Latte.' And here we have the ancient scrolls of overpriced beverages. Truly, a sacred text." The man chuckled as he gestured towards the menu.

"Ah, yes, the sacred elixirs of life, served in cups adorned with hipster hieroglyphics." Yeonjun grinned, liking the way this stranger had the same flair as him.

"Can this line move any slower? I have places to be." The stranger muttered to himself while waiting in line.

"Ah, the eternal struggle of the caffeinated masses. Truly, a tragedy of epic proportions." Yeonjun said as he shook his head, faking sympathy.

"Yeah, because waiting in line for coffee is exactly how I wanted to spend my morning." The stranger replied as he turned around for the first time since they had started their conversation.

"Ah, the joys of adulting. It's like a never-ending rollercoaster of disappointment and caffeine withdrawals." Yeonjun replied as he nodded solemnly. 

"You got that right. I'm just one cup of coffee away from being a functional human being again." The stranger chuckled as he turned back around.

 "Aren't we all? It's like liquid motivation in a paper cup." Yeonjun grinned.

"Well, at least we can commiserate together over our overpriced beverages." The stranger said this as they finally reached the counter.

"Ah, the bonds forged in the fires of coffee shop chaos. Truly, a friendship for the ages." Yeonjun replied with a smile.

As the stranger received his drinks, he turned around and slightly leaned down to whisper something in Yeonjun's ear. The man chuckled at seeing the bewildered face of Yeonjun and left the coffee shop, leaving Yeonjun standing there with an open mouth.

"Well, I hope your toiled isn't clogged anymore."


So, here is the next chapter.

How was it? Hope you like this. Let me know.

And who do you think that stranger was? Any guess.

Will update next chapter soon. You guys won't have to wait much.

Hope you all are happy.

Stay safe and healthy. <3

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